The room was filled with some of the brightest people in the plumbing industry, as more than 120 industry experts, water utility and academia participants attended the fifth International Emerging Technology Symposium (IETS) last month in Rosemont, Ill. “We were thrilled with the high quality of presentations, and the experience and expertise that were brought Read more
Mechanical Hub Team

A few years ago, Mechanical Hub asked the major players in tool manufacturing what was going on as far as tool battery technology innovation. Recently, we caught up with Marcus Borman, RIDGID Global Marketing Manager, to discuss RIDGID’s battery tech. According to Borman, RIDGID takes pride in all of its products, and they see the Read more

The first few months of the year—every year—feature a gauntlet of industry trade shows where visitors can see the latest and greatest in technology and manufacturer products. Some of the products displayed aren’t necessarily new—variations of this, variations of that. But these trade shows—specifically the AHR Show, which highlights the HVAC and refrigeration, and the Read more

Navien tankless water heaters have been in the US market for quite some time, I recently installed the latest model in my own home. I live in central Minnesota, in a rural area where until this summer I had not had access to Natural Gas. Two Navien NPE-240A condensing tankless water heaters have now replaced Read more

New York City sees it, and they don’t have a water shortage. Nashville Airport sees it, and they’ve got plenty of water. I hear that even Disney in Florida is doing it. We’d all better know how to do it, or we’ll be playing catch-up. What is it? “It” is cooling- tower-elimination by going Read more