Purpose. It is a powerful thing, and it can have a great influence on one’s life path. For Chris Ramos (@bold_cityplumber), he found purpose in his family and his work. You see, Ramos had rough upbringing, to say the least. Growing up in Ossining, N.Y., about 35 miles northeast of New York, Chris’s mother lost Read more
John Mesenbrink
A Navy veteran, John Hudek served in the Naval Construction Battalion, better known as the Seabees, and part of their slogan is “Can do” and “The difficult we do now, the impossible takes a little longer.” Throughout her life growing up, watching her father work so hard and the mountains he climbed for his family Read more
Mickelson Plumbing & Heating, Missoula, Montana, specializes in plumbing, HVAC and boiler service, and high-efficiency systems. Starting his own business out of necessity, or perhaps the illusion of it, Andy Mickelson (@mick_plumb) launched Mickelson Plumbing & Heating New Year’s Day, 2011. I guess you could say it’s all part of Mickelson’s fabric and mental make-up—there Read more
Let’s just get to this right from the start. What initially was meant to be an insult, Danielle “Twig” Browne (@thelittlestplumber) got the nickname from her high school rugby team. “I was lanky and my muscle hadn’t come in. I was the thinnest on the team but had been playing since I was 10 so Read more
Turning wrenches since he was 17 years old, George DeJesus (@georgetheplumber) considers himself relatively lucky during these crazy times were going through, as the service calls are still trickling in, with some days bit slower than usual. During the current state of the trades during the pandemic, DeJesus says it’s hard going into customer’s homes Read more