Plumbing Perspective

As a plumber, you will want to be as effective and efficient at the job as possible, so you can keep your customers happy and maximize your profits, right? Well, in order to do that, there are a few tools that you must be able to wield with confidence and precision, including the following: The Read more

Every professional commercial plumber has faced the challenge: ensuring the water is truly OFF before cutting into a pipe and easily draining the water from that piping system. Mistakes can be catastrophic, leading to floods and potential property damage. With the Drain Down Pro, you can confidently confirm the water is off, every single time Read more

Save $500 during the RLS Summer Tool Promo If you’ve been waiting for the perfect opportunity to start using RLS press fittings – or to upgrade your RLS tool or jaw set – now is the time. RLS is offering $500 discounts on several of their tool and jaw sets. With RLS fittings – the Read more

It’s really important to create the perfect website for your business, but what was perfect one year might not immediately be perfect the next year. Overall, running a business, especially a plumbing-oriented business, is the farthest thing from easy. Your days are packed between unclogging drains, fixing leaks, and installing new systems. With all that Read more

Designed to use one-third the electricity of traditional residential electric water heaters, new product ensures dependable, efficient hot-water delivery. Noritz America, a leader in tankless water heaters and high-efficiency combination boilers, recently previewed its new, ENERGY STAR-certified Hybrid Electric Heat Pump Water Heater for residential domestic hot water applications. Making its debut in Chicago at Read more