Common Mistakes Plumbers Make (That You Really Shouldn’t)

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When you’re a professional plumber, making a mistake can cost your reputation, not to mention your customers’ homes, dearly, so it is important you do everything you can to avoid those common errors that can spell disaster. 

In order to do that, let’s look at some common mistakes plumbers make, so you can hopefully avoid them in your working life.

  1. Ignoring the Almighty Pressure Washer

First off, let’s give a big shoutout to pressure washing equipment, which is, as you should know, not just for cleaning driveways or graffiti off walls. No, dear friends, it’s also a pipeline’s best buddy. When faced with the Herculean task of clearing out years of sludge and grime from sewer lines, the pressure washer steps in like a hero. So, don’t ignore this powerhouse tool. Embrace it, cherish it, and for heaven’s sake, use it—because nobody likes a comeback story starring last year’s grease.

  1. Skipping the Double-Check

Here’s a scene: You finish a job, pack up, and give a confident nod to your work—only to get a call hours later about a leak. The culprit? A connection you forgot to tighten. Always double-check your work. The five minutes you save by rushing off to your next appointment can cost you hours of return work and buckets of reputation points.

  1. Tool Mismanagement

Raise your hand if you’ve ever used a screwdriver as a chisel. It’s okay, this is a safe space. But let’s be real: using tools for purposes they weren’t intended for is like using a loaf of bread as a doorstop—it might work temporarily, but it’s not a great idea. Respect your tools, and they’ll respect you back (and maybe save you from a mid-job meltdown).

  1. The ‘Eyeball It’ Method

Precision in measurements is not just a fancy concept—it’s a cornerstone of good plumbing. “Eyeballing” pipe cuts or fixture alignments can lead to jobs that look more like abstract art than professional work. Always use the right measuring tools because, unlike horseshoes and hand grenades, close enough just doesn’t cut it in plumbing.

  1. Forgetting Customer Service Skills

Remember, folks, plumbing isn’t just about pipes; it’s about people. The gruff, silent type might work for movie cowboys, but in the plumbing world, communication is key. Don’t just fix and flee. Explain what went wrong, what you did to fix it, and how it can be prevented in the future. A little chat can turn a customer into a repeat customer.

  1. Neglecting Continuing Education

Plumbing technology evolves faster than many of us realize. If you’re still relying on techniques you learned decades ago, you might be missing out on easier, more efficient methods that could save your back and your bottom line. Keep up with the times and invest in ongoing education. It’ll keep you sharp and possibly introduce you to new gadgets and gizmos in the industry.

  1. Underestimating the Cleanup

Last but not least, leaving a work site looking like a crime scene is a big no-no. A clean work area not only shows professionalism but also prevents those pesky “you left a mess” calls. Plus, who doesn’t love the sight of a spotless space post-job? It’s almost as satisfying as popping bubble wrap.

Keep these tips in mind, and not only will your pipes be flowing smoothly, but so will your business.

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