Recognized Industry Designer Leads New Branch of Renowned Atlanta Business

Guy Gunter Home is pleased to announce that Lenia Pilkonis joined our team as the Director of the Plumbing Division. Lenia brings almost 20 years of experience in kitchen and bath design to the role.
Lenia received her BFA and MA in Interior Design from the University of West Georgia (UWG) and Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), respectively. She then furthered that basis of knowledge with passage of the NCIDQ, CMKBD and CAPS certifications.
In her Guy Gunter Home role, Lenia will be responsible for optimizing the products, services and sales staff within the plumbing division. In addition, she will implement programs for continuing education and outreach for professionals and consumers as the company grows to become one of the top in the industry. While fulfilling her new role, Lenia also gives back to her profession through volunteer efforts with non-profit organizations. Currently, she serves as the Chapter Representative for National Kitchen and Bath Association Georgia Chapter and as the NKBA Representative to the Georgia Alliance of Interior Design Professionals (GAIDP) board.
Lenia can be contacted directly at as well as 404-874-7529, ext. 122.
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