Everyone needs a plumber from time to time so you could be forgiven for thinking marketing isn’t too important in this line of work, but you have to take into account the number of other plumbers who may be working in your area. If you want to be successful, you need to ensure that more customers choose you than them, and the way you do that is by developing a better marketing strategy. The plumber marketing tips below will help you with that.
Submit your business to local listings
Before you do anything else. Ensure that you submit the details of your business to Google My Business listings and other local business listings online. You need to do this because the first thing most people will do when they require the services of a plumber is to look online for one nearby. If you’re not on local listings sites, chances are your name will not be one of the first ones to pop up on Google and you’ll probably lose a sale. Submitting to local listings takes seconds but it can make a huge difference to your bottom line.

Have your own website
It’s also important that you have your own website where customers can check out previous work done, read testimonials and get an idea of the services you provide. Customers like to have a lot of information available to them and a good, easy-to-read website is the best way of giving it to them in the first instance.
Get a great logo
Think having the name of your plumbing company on the die of your van is enough? Think again. Logos are undoubtedly much better for marketing purposes because they stand out and catch the eye more, If your logo becomes a familiar sight in the local area, more people will think of contacting you first, A good graphic designer should be able to whip up a logo for a reasonable price.

Manage your reputation
No professional likes bad reviews, but they happen and they are not always fair. Did you know some reviews can be removed from Glassdoor and similar review sites? If you think your business is being unfairly badmouthed, taking this step may be smart. If, however, you think a bad review is fair, sending out as public reply that addresses the concerns and does whatever possible to put things right will help to put your business back in a good light. There are times when talking with a reputation or crisis management team might also be a great option.
Use social media
As a plumber, you’ll probably be working a lot in your local area, so it makes sense to not only set up your own social media pages where local people can follow you, but also to join lots of local pages made by other people too, That way you can recommend your services (don’t spam), engage with local people, and build solid relations. It’s also a very good low-cost way of marketing yourself, but you will need to put some effort in to creating lots of quality content like how-to videos and engaging written posts.
Marketing matters so get it right!
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