November 15, 2013—CLEVELAND—The Heat Exchange Institute (HEI) is pleased to announce the release of the 5th edition of Standards for Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers. The 4th edition of the standard was released in 2004 and reaffirmed in 2008 as Standards for Power Plant Heat Exchangers. However, with the addition of the HEI Plate Heat Exchanger Section in 2011, the HEI changed the title Standards for Power Plant Heat Exchangers to Standards for Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers. The 5th edition of this standard has been revised and updated using new information based on the working knowledge and experience of the HEI Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Section. To purchase a copy of the 5th edition, please visit the HEI website at The Heat Exchange Institute (HEI) is a non-profit trade association committed to the technical advancement, promotion, and understanding of a broad range of utility and industrial-scale heat exchange and vacuum apparatus. The Institute concentrates its efforts on the manufacturing and engineering aspects of steam surface condensers, closed feedwater heaters, gasketed heat exchangers, shell and tube heat exchangers, liquid ring vacuum pumps, air cooled condensers, steam jet ejectors, and deaerators. Since its founding over 60 years ago, the Institute has earned international recognition as the leading authority on the technologies for heat exchange and vacuum apparatus. Institute standards are used throughout the world for the design, manufacture, and operation of heat exchange and vacuum equipment. For further information about the HEI or the Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Section, contact Craig H. Addington, 1300 Sumner Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115; e-mail:; phone: 216-241-7333; fax: 216-241-0105; or visit the HEI website:
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