In today’s world, it’s not enough to just do your job. You might be an excellent plumber, but that’ll only take you half the way on your journey towards success. The other half will depend on your ability to deliver a top-level customer experience. This is something that’ll help to secure success in more ways than one. For example, it’ll help to turn first-time customers into repeat customers, and it’ll be more likely that they tell their friends and family about your service, too.
But the main reason why you should focus on your customer experience is that it’s the right thing to do. In this blog, we’re going to look at some useful tips for ensuring that your customers have a positive experience from beginning to end.
Let People Contact You
Your customer’s time — and needs — should be a top priority. All too often, when people try to contact a plumber, they find that they’re not able to get through. And is there anything more unnecessarily annoying than that? And this is especially the case when a potential customer is facing a plumbing emergency. In this day and age, there are plenty of ways to ensure that customers can always get through. You could add a live chat feature to your website, hire a phone answering company to take your calls, and allow people to send you a WhatsApp or Apple message.
Deliver Accurate Quotes
Your customers might love the work that you do, but they won’t be so happy about paying the bill if it’s more than they thought it was going to be. This is not something that plumbers generally do on purpose, but it is something that they do. But they don’t have to. If you’re insisting on providing quick quotes that you come up with on the spot, then you can’t be all that surprised if you end up having to charge your customers more money. Instead, use software to create accurate quotes, and don’t insist on delivering it there and then. If you need an hour to come up with the quote, then that’s fine.
Do What You Say You’ll Do
There’s no substitute for delivering good work. All too often, plumbers are happy to say that they can do a job, but then when it comes down to it, they find that they’re unable to do so. As with all businesses, honesty can go a long way — or rather, if you’re all talk, then eventually you’ll be found out. All transactions need to be built on trust. If you can honestly assess the task, come up with a solution, and then do it within the agreed timeframe and budget, then you’ll have done your job.
And Then Go The Extra Mile
You can just do the basics that you were hired to do. But it’s worth remembering that this is only the bare minimum that the customer is expecting. If you want to offer a better experience, then look at going the extra mile. There’s no shortage of things you can do. You could conduct a pipeline risk assessment while you’re there, for instance, or conduct a follow-up check to make sure that everything’s working as it should. It’s these little touches that can go a long way towards ensuring that your customers are nothing other than delighted with the work that you’ve done.
Keep a Record
It’s always a good idea to focus on building a relationship with customers. It’s good for business, but also, it just makes life more friendly and enjoyable. You’ll be helping your customers a lot if you keep a record of the jobs that you’ve already done for them. It’ll streamline the job, but it’ll also show that you care. When you finish a job, write a detailed record of all the jobs that you’ve done. You’ll have something to draw upon if they call in the future. You could also add a reminder for when your customer may need a plumbing checkup (for example, if you installed a boiler).
Train Your Staff
Finally, remember that it’s not only you that has an influence on your customers. If you have a team of staff, then they will too. Everyone connected with your company will influence the customer experience in some way. It’s up to you to ensure that they do so in a positive way. You can do this by offering training, creating a positive work culture, and emphasizing the importance of customer service. That way, the whole company will be customer focused.
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