Matco-Norca offers an extensive range of lead free supply valves for every plumbing and waterworks application, to include Quarter-turn and Multi-turn valves in various configurations. All comply with the new Federal Safe Water Drinking Act law (SDWA), effective this year.
Both Multi-turn and Quarter-turn supply valves are available in a variety of comprehensive sizes, configurations and end connections to address today’s residential and commercial applications. All Matco-Norca lead free supply valves and braided connectors meet today’s no-lead legislation requirements. All lead free items are packaged in easily identifiable master, inner cartons and individual cartons or packages to help customers manager their inventories.
About Matco-Norca
Matco-Norca, headquartered in Brewster, NY, is a leading supplier of code-compliant Plumbing, PVF, Waterworks and Irrigation products for use in residential, commercial and industrial installations. In business over 50 years, Matco-Norca operates four national distribution centers and eight regional warehouses. www.matco-norca.com
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