Adds Portability and Versatility to Sewer Inspection Cameras
The new Gen-Pack™ Battery Adapter from General Pipe Cleaners lets you operate your sewer inspection camera system in remote locations where access to power is limited. It adds portability and versatility – and makes jobs easier.
Depending on battery type and system settings, you can run General’s Gen-Eye POD® or Gen-Eye X-POD® camera systems up to 12 hours with the Gen-Pack. The battery adapter is fuse-protected to safeguard your investment. Battery and charger are not included.

The Gen-Pack battery adapter easily mounts to General’s Gen-Eye POD and X-POD – both full size and mini-reel versions. Just clamp it to the frame – and plug the cord into the camera power input. You’re ready for remote operation in minutes.
Add the Gen-Pack to the Gen-Eye POD®. Easy to move, easy to use, and easy on budgets, the lightweight, compact sewer camera includes integral Wi-Fi to record and share inspections on tablets and smartphones.
Add versatility to your Gen-Eye X-POD® with the Gen-Pack. It features a powerful Command Module with USB port to record video inspections on flash drives. It also includes a 7” LCD color monitor, one-touch recording, digital zoom, voice-over recording, and more.
For additional information, contact the Drain Brains® at General Pipe Cleaners at 800-245-6200 or 412-771-6300, or visit
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