Sloan has issued a new white paper that discusses the results of the PERC I (The Plumbing Efficiency Research Coalition) study: Down the Drain. By carefully controlling certain variables, the PERC I study sought to learn how drain lines react and which of these variables impact performance significantly while other variables do not.
As the plumbing industry continues to push the envelope by reducing water consumption levels, low-flow, high efficiency toilets have emerged to support water conservation. However, unintentional consequences from reducing water usage have affected the drain line function.
The PERC I study sought to apply a scientific approach towards a better understanding of drain line function under lower flow conditions so that the plumbing industry can work proactively to prevent widespread blockages from becoming a reality. The study uncovered that toilet paper – along with the pipe slope and flush volume – are key variables in determining whether drain lines might be predisposed to a clog.
The white paper reviews the results in relationship to real-life building conditions in the United States – conditions that Sloan, as the premier manufacturer of flushometers, has faced for over one hundred years. The goal is to help owners and engineers understand that the combination of slope, flush volume and toilet paper are only part of a larger drain line transport equation; that actual building conditions must be factored into any specification or application of plumbing systems to assure proper performance.
In fact, in the white paper Sloan strongly recommends an onsite visit by a plumbing engineer as part of the entire process in ANY retrofit project. Such a hands-on survey of the building’s entire plumbing system can help identify potential issues and affect the outcome for the best possible solutions, which may not support ultra-low water flows.
“A more comprehensive understanding of real time conditions can help both manufacturers and building owners conserve water, our most precious resource, without sacrificing performance and user satisfaction,” says Mike Gipson, Flushometer Product Line Manager for Sloan.
To help you determine if low-flow flushometers are suited for your restroom environment, download a PDF of the Down the Drain white paper at
For more information, contact: Sloan Valve Company, 10500 Seymour Avenue, Franklin Park, IL 60131, visit, call 800-9-VALVE-9 (800-982-5839) or fax 800-501-3989.
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