REHAU to Showcase High-Performance Hydronic Technologies, New Radiant Heating and Controls Products at AHR Expo 2015

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REHAU is set to introduce two new products at AHR Expo 2015, including a weather-sensing controls module developed for its hydronic snow and ice melting system as well as the REHAU RAUMATTM radiant heating mat system. In addition, REHAU engineers are presenters for education sessions including “The Path to Net Zero Through Hydronics,” and “Integrating with Home Automation Systems – Hydronics in a Connected World.”

The company will also display its industry-leading radiant heating/cooling, snow and ice melting, geothermal ground loop heat exchange and pre-insulated PEXa piping systems.

REHAU Snow and Ice Melting (SIM) Systems with Smart Controls efficiently eliminates snow and ice build-up from outdoor surfaces by circulating a heat transfer fluid through REHAU PEXa pipes installed within the SIM area, increasing surface safety while lowering maintenance costs and minimizing environmental impact. The REHAU Smart Controls SIM Module senses everything from slab temperature and snow/ice to boiler supply and return fluid temperatures, while also “listening” to the weather forecast.  When the control anticipates a storm, it can automatically warm the surface in advance of snow or ice.

RAUMATTM Radiant Heating Mat System is RAUPEX O2 Barrier pipe pre-assembled onto mats which are rolled out on the jobsite to speed installation. RAUMAT is intended for radiant heating and is an ideal solution for commercial building projects with large open slab areas such as distribution centers, “big box” stores and production halls. It offers all the high-performance advantages of a REHAU radiant heating system while reducing the on-site time and costs associated with a typical installation. RAUMAT is customized to each project for exact mat and tail configurations and delivered ready to roll out on the jobsite.
REHAU Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems can be used in combination with downsized air-handling systems to reduce HVAC energy consumption and initial investment costs while increasing thermal comfort in commercial buildings. These systems circulate warm and cool water through RAUPEX® crosslinked polyethylene (PEXa) pipe installed in floors, walls or ceilings. Since radiant systems require moderate supply fluid temperatures, typically 100-120°F (38-49°C)  in heating mode and 55-60°F (13-16°C) in cooling mode, they are ideally compatible with geothermal equipment and can deliver some of the highest coefficients of performance.

RAUGEOTM Geothermal Ground Loop Heat Exchange Systems exchange energy with the earth to heat and cool at a fraction of the operating costs of traditional HVAC, with potential energy savings up to 70 percent. REHAU RAUGEO PEXa piping offers superior flexibility and abrasion resistance compared to conventional HDPE geothermal systems, while pre-fabricated double U-bends require up to 30 percent less borehole footage than a single HDPE U-bend.

INSULPEX® Pre-Insulated PEXa Piping Systems are specially designed for the efficient transfer of hot or chilled fluid through buried pipelines, offering a continuous piping system that minimizes temperature change.  When compared with rigid piping systems, INSULPEX reduces installation costs and time thanks to its increased flexibility and longer coil lengths.

For additional information on REHAU’s complete line of mechanical solutions, visit their AHR Expo booth 1535 or visit their website at


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