Two of the biggest challenges facing plumbing contractors today are how to increase customer calls and how to generate customer loyalty. Given all the competition out there, key to achieving these objectives is to be there when the customer needs you – or more significantly, to be there even before the customer knows they need you.
The patented Flood Buzz™ Pro water leak alarm was developed with the contractor in mind. Not only are these effective water leak alarms that sound a loud 110 dB piercing alert when it comes in contact with water, but equally as important, Flood Buzz™ Pro alarms are critical marketing tools for a plumbing contractor’s overall growth strategy.
The Flood Buzz™ Pro is the quintessential “pain point” marketing solution. Flood Buzz™ alarms will promote your company when the customer needs you most – when they have a water leak and need a plumber to solve their potentially damaging and destructive leak problem. Once the Flood Buzz™ Pro’s 110 dB alarm sounds warning of a water leak, the customer will call your company because your company’s info is right on the Flood Buzz™ Pro.

All this translates into immediate sales. Additionally, your customers will be forever grateful to you for helping them avoid a flood in their homes.
Implementing a Flood Buzz™ marketing strategy is easy. Just place personalized Flood Buzz™ Pros in your customers’ homes – under the sinks, behind toilets, next to boilers – anywhere there is a water connection. In effect, Flood Buzz™ Pro water leak alarms are your field salespeople, and are always on guard for water leaks. The more Flood Buzz™ Pro units you place, the more service calls you will receive.
Additionally, with the introduction of the new Flood Buzz™ Blue — the Flood Buzz™ alarm specifically designed to monitor water heaters for leaks — a contractor will now get more of those profitable water heater replacement calls, before the water heater bursts and causes real damage. Flood Buzz™ Blue will sound a 110 dB warning the instant it senses water leaking into the drip pan from a deteriorating water heater. Like the Flood Buzz™ Pro, you will personalize the Flood Buzz™ Blue with your company’s info and rapidly increase your water heater service calls and sales.
Since Flood Buzz™ water leak alarms have an internal, non-serviceable battery that is good for three years, you will have reason to visit your customers every three years to replace the Flood Buzz™ alarms in their homes or facilities. Once inside the customers’ home, you can be assured of additional work.
Learn more about how to market your business using the Flood Buzz™ line of water leak alarms at or call us at 1-866 797 6686
About the Author
Josh Scharf is the President of Archetype Ltd., a New Jersey Based marketing and product development firm involved in bringing new and unique products to market.
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