Swanson Tool introduces TWO tape measures designed to help builders and contractors improve their speed and accuracy

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The GripLine is the first tape measure specifically designed to grip round surfaces, such as metal conduit, rebar, threaded rod, PVC pipe – from a significant distance, saving users’ time. Ideal for plumbing, electrical and framing pros, the patented GripLine has the ability to hold rounded corners and round objects up to two-inches in diameter.

The ProScribe tape measure features a retractable 1-1/2-inch rigid scribe guide and centering pin to help contractors measure and mark to cut lengths or a radius. The ProScribe integrates several valuable marking functions, including the compass-like ability to measure and scribe circles and bisect angles, as well as the chalk-line-accuracy to measure and mark/score straight lines. Users can also easily position a case knife or carpenter’s pencil against the tape’s metal tip to cut/score or mark the desired width.

For more information on the GripLine and ProScribe, including press releases in several formats, as well as high resolution photography, please visit:

GripLine: http://swanson.media-resources-ordp.com/2014/gripline-holds-round-surfaces.shtml

ProScribe: http://swanson.media-resources-ordp.com/2014/proscribe-increases-accuracy.shtml


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