customer reviews

When you’re running a plumbing business, you will always face challenges managing your company and ensuring that you deliver the best service to your clients. Once you are aware of these challenges you will know the best ways to handle them. Here are some key examples that you should keep in mind.  Avoiding Disruption  First Read more

When you’re running a plumbing business, you will always face challenges managing your company and ensuring that you deliver the best service to your clients. Once you are aware of these challenges you will know the best ways to handle them. Here are some key examples that you should keep in mind. 

Avoiding Disruption 

First, you need to make sure that you are taking steps to avoid disruption in your business model. Significant levels of disruption are an issue, particularly if you are working for commercial clients. For instance, you might need to provide your client with an underground tank replacement at an operating business property. To avoid disruption, it’s important to make sure that you can be flexible to client needs. To steps to work around their schedule. This is one of the best ways to earn a positive review or a referral. We’ll discuss this further down. 

Maintaining Trust 

Whenever clients use a plumbing service, they want to hire a company they can trust. They will always be weary about whether they are protected financially and if there are any hidden risks of using your solution. You need to take steps to put their minds at ease. One of the ways that you can do this is by offering both guarantees and warranties on your services. You should also provide various contact points that customers can use if they do ever have an issue. 

Earning Positive Reviews 

Next, you should aim to gain positive reviews for your plumbing business. Without the right positive reviews, you are going to struggle to build up your client base. You might find that new clients will not provide your company with the chance it needs. This can be troublesome if you are just getting started in the plumbing industry and you don’t yet have a loyal base of customers. To earn positive reviews, you need to put a strong focus on customer care and client satisfaction. You should also remember to ask for reviews and feedback. Even a few mixed reviews create a more positive impression than zero reviews connected to a new business brand. 

Hiring The Right People 

Finally, you need to make sure that you are hiring the right people in your plumbing business. A lot of plumbing companies these days are choosing to use the services of freelancers. While they may help cut costs, freelancers can cause issues because they are not as loyal to a company they’re working for. They can simply move onto the next project or company that hires them. You will also struggle to build up a significant relationship with freelancers. As such, it might be best to instead use a recruitment agency and hire the best permanent workforce with the right skills, qualifications, and experience. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key challenges that you can encounter when you are running a plumbing business and the steps that you should take. In doing so, you can beat your competitors and keep your profit levels healthy. 

There are a lot of plumbing businesses out there, and many of them are still doing business the old-fashioned way. However, if you’re looking to take your plumbing business online, you’re going to need to do some things differently. This blog post will discuss how to take your plumbing business online and give you a Read more

There are a lot of plumbing businesses out there, and many of them are still doing business the old-fashioned way. However, if you’re looking to take your plumbing business online, you’re going to need to do some things differently. This blog post will discuss how to take your plumbing business online and give you a few tips on making it successful.

Create a website

The first thing you need to do is create a website. This is where potential customers will go to learn more about your business and what services you offer. Make sure your website is professional and easy to navigate. Include clear contact information and a call to action. If you feel like you don’t have the expertise to create a website yourself, consider utilizing the services of a professional developer that can not only design an attractive website, but also integrate useful tools such as a payment gateway API to ensure ease of use for your customers.

Use social media

Social media is a great way to connect with potential and current customers. Create accounts on popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Use these platforms to share information about your business, special offers, and helpful tips. Make sure you’re active on social media and responsive to comments and questions. Social media is a great way to build relationships with your customers. Also, don’t forget to include links to your website and social media accounts on your website. This will make it easy for visitors to find you online.

Get listed in online directories

There are a number of online directories where you can list your business. This makes it easier for potential customers to find you when they’re searching for plumbing services in their area. Some popular online directories include Yelp, Angie’s List, and HomeAdvisor. Make sure you take the time to create a complete and accurate listing. Include as much information as possible, such as your business hours, services offered, and contact information.

Use search engine optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results. This is important because it makes it more likely that potential customers will find your website when they’re searching for plumbing services online. There are a number of things you can do to optimize your website for SEO. This includes using relevant keywords, creating quality content, and building backlinks. SEO is an integral part of taking your plumbing business online. By optimizing your website, you can make it more likely that potential customers will find you and learn about your business.

In conclusion, these are just a few tips on how to take your plumbing business online. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to success and reaching a wider audience of potential customers.

Your plumbing business depends on having enough customers throughout the year. Of course, that means any info related to securing new customers is very valuable. The good news is you can find some effective and practical suggestions on precisely this topic, below. Read on to find out the best ways to get more plumbing clients.   Read more

Your plumbing business depends on having enough customers throughout the year. Of course, that means any info related to securing new customers is very valuable. The good news is you can find some effective and practical suggestions on precisely this topic, below. Read on to find out the best ways to get more plumbing clients.  

Establish your expertise 

When it comes to important tasks like plumbing, customers want to know that they and their properties are in the safest hands possible. That is where using blogging, vlogging, and even podcasting to establish your credibility comes in. 

Indeed, by offering expert in-depth content on the subject of plumbing you can easily demonstrate to potential customers that you are the one to come to when they have a problem. 

Of course, your content needs to not just be in-depth and expert, but as interesting as possible too. The best way to achieve this is to create content around the areas that you are most interested in and know best.  

Use your Google My Business listing

Google runs a scheme for businesses where they can claim their account and so add extra details to any listing they appear in. It’s known as Google My Business and is well worth your time as a plumber. 

Indeed, not only will you be more likely to come up in local and map searches but the first three listings in an area will show a snapshot of additional information including reviews, contact info, and your opening hours. All for free. 

Of course, this additional info is so important because by informing potential customers of these things it helps them to decide on whether to use your services faster. 

Additionally because Google My Business offers an objective review service you can help to build up trust and authority by activating your account. After all, if a potential client Googles you and the first thing they come across are your positive Google reviews they will feel much more secure in deciding to contact you about the work they need doing. 

Tap a new market

Another way that you can increase the number of plumbing clients you have is to tap a new market. For example, if you work primarily with residential clients you may want to market your plumbing business to other businesses as well. 

Of course, to be successful at this you will need to make use of some great B2B SEO and marketing services. After all, making sure you get found by clients and that they are aware of the services and benefits you can offer them is vital to the success of tapping a new market. 

The good news is that by working with B2B SEO experts you can come up with tactics that will help you secure larger, and more profitable corporate and business clients to enhance your business. 

Make good use of your Facebook page 

It’s not just Google that can help direct leads to your plumbing business, but social media platforms as well. In particular, Facebook is an excellent choice, primarily because of the combination of billions of users, and a preferential demographic for those of the right age and social status to own their own homes and businesses, and so will require plumbing services. 

You can make your social media marketing even more targeted too by using Facebook Ads where you can aim for a specific location in which to offer your services. 

Use previous customers to refer new ones 

Previous happy customers can be your greatest ally when it comes to finding more plumbing clients. This is because a word of mouth referral means more to most people than all the online reviews, and clever marketing schemes combined, especially if it’s from someone they are close to and trust. 

So, just how do you get previous customers to advocate for your business? Well, first of all, you must provide a service that is worth recommending. This means you will need to go above and beyond when it comes to the customer service you offer, making sure your clients aren’t only happy, but delighted with their experience with your firm.  

Fortunately, it’s quite a bit easier to go above and beyond the call of duty as a plumber these days than it used to be. This is because technological advancements mean you can run an automated booking system where clients are notified of your estimated time of arrival and can even reschedule if it’s not convenient. 

Similarly, you can communicate with them through email or instant chat at the initial and later stages of the process. You can even send them email invoices that allow them to pay online to make things as fast and as smooth as possible. 

A recent survey has suggested that 80% of customers online will check out the reviews before they decide to buy a product or commit to using a service. That’s important because it means if there’s an issue with the reviews for your business, then it could lead to you losing a lot of potential customers Read more

A recent survey has suggested that 80% of customers online will check out the reviews before they decide to buy a product or commit to using a service. That’s important because it means if there’s an issue with the reviews for your business, then it could lead to you losing a lot of potential customers. This might even be the reason why your plumbing company is struggling to make the profits that you hoped for when you opened up shop. To tackle this issue, you need to explore why your plumbing company is getting negative reviews. More often than not, this occurs because your company is falling down in key areas and customers want to see improvements. 

Believe it or not, clients don’t tend to leave bad reviews out of spite. Either they feel like they have received a low-quality service, they think they have been treated unfairly, or they want to provide your business with criticism so that you can improve. A lot of businesses shy away from reviews hoping they will go away. Instead, you should be using them as a tool and a way to move forward with your company.

Let’s take a look at some of the key issues that customers might have focused on in their reviews for your service and the right steps forward that you should consider. 


One of the first elements that you should focus on is the levels of efficiency in your business model. When a customer contacts a plumber, it’s usually due to an issue that they need to resolve as quickly as possible. This could be a problem with a blocked toilet or a system in their home that has stopped working completely. If you are providing your solution to commercial clients, then a plumbing issue could mean that they are forced to close their doors due to health and safety. That’s why it’s essential that you can offer them a rapid solution and this should start from the first point of contact. 

Even as a local service business, you need to have a great website and this should be set up the right way. It needs to have a solid structure and ideally should follow the three-click rule. Essentially, a customer should never be more than three clicks away from what they’re looking for on your business website. Correcting issues with the structure of your site can be complex and expensive. The good news is that there are shortcuts you can explore. For instance, you might want to think about installing a chat pop-up software on your website. This means that customers can immediately get the answers that they need and potentially connect with a member of your team. 

Of course, this should just be the starting point when working to improve efficiency levels. You might also want to consider ensuring that your team members are working effectively and are always on task. One of the best ways to do this is by creating a work schedule using the available software. The right schedule will guarantee that jobs are completed on time, without delay, and to the right quality standards. You can have a work schedule for larger commercial projects to ensure that everyone completes their role. 

It’s possible that if you are running a large plumbing company, then you will have multiple workers in the field at any given time. If that’s the case, then you should consider using a shared platform. The right platform will allow you to quickly track the work that your team members are completing and whether they are staying productive in the field. It will also allow you to manage different projects at the click of a button. 

Peace Of Mind 

A big question that you need to ask when you are working to improve your plumbing company for customers is whether you are giving them peace of mind. A major concern for customers is that they are going to be left out of pocket with your service. You need to show them that this won’t be the case. You can do this by ensuring that you have the right insurance coverage in place. That way if there is an issue that needs to be resolved you will be financially protected and so will your customers. Premiums can differ depending on the company that you choose so it is worth exploring a few different options here, before settling on the right one for your business. 

Another way to provide peace of mind is to make sure that you are vetting and checking your team carefully. You need to ensure that there aren’t any red flags here in terms of safety and security. One of the best ways to do this is to use a recruitment manager. That way you can make sure that you only get the best people working in your business model. Don’t forget you can advertise that you have put these security measures in place and ensure that is a key point customers associate with your brand. You just need to guarantee that your customers feel secure when they choose your service and don’t end up double guessing themselves. 

Transparency is another aspect to keep in mind here. Customers want to know exactly how much a plumbing solution is going to cost and that the price isn’t going to change in the long term. Often this is about ensuring that employees know how to interact with customers and ensure that they are being as clear as possible. While it’s important not to treat the clients as though they are stupid, team members will need to break down the jobs so they are easy to understand and make the cost as clear as possible. 


Quality is a major factor that is always going to play into the reviews that you receive from customers. Are you delivering the level of quality that they expect from your company? If you’re not hitting the target here, then what can you do to change that? One thing to consider is the parts that you are using. Plumbing companies are always going to need to connect with a supplier to get the right parts. That’s true whether you’re fixing a valve or replacing a washer in a kitchen sink. It’s important that the parts you use are built to last. If you are worried about this, then you should check out the supplier you use carefully. Make sure to look at the reviews that they are receiving from other clients. Are they hitting the right marks? If not, then it’s worth shopping elsewhere even if it means paying a little extra. 

Don’t forget that you also need to make sure that you can rely on the supplier to deliver the parts that you need on time. Customers aren’t likely to forgive you if they have to wait weeks or even months to get a crucial repair because you couldn’t source a key part for their system. Again, issues with turnaround time should be present if you check the reviews of the business in question. 

The Right Price 

Finally, it’s worth ensuring that you are providing your service at the right price to customers. If you don’t do this, then they are more likely to complain that they are either being ripped off or gouged by your company. You might think that with the economic situation the way it is, customers will forgive you for charging a higher price. However, this is not the case as they too are feeling the squeeze. 

As such you need to make sure that you are checking the average costs on the market and make sure that you are matching them. If you can’t match them without putting your business under a considerable level of financial strain then you need to think about cutting costs in your company model. There are numerous ways that you can do this. For instance, you might want to think about using freelancers as part of your business team. The big benefit of freelancers is that you won’t have to provide them with any additional incentives as part of your business model. This is always going to make hiring them far more cost-effective. 

Another way to cut the costs in your business model would be to go a little greener. You could have a fleet of vehicles as part of your plumbing company. It’s likely that you’ll be covering the cost of the fuel and while you can claim this as a tax deduction to an extent it could still be adding a lot of money to your budget. To deal with this, you should think about investing in hybrids. These are always going to provide a massive benefit and save you a large amount of money in the long term. 

We hope this helps you understand the key improvements that you can make to deliver a better service to your clients. If you take these steps, you will be able to put your company in a far stronger position on the market and gain more support from a far larger customer base.