Originally instated in 2018, the Try Rinnai Tour is back to visit PROs across the U.S. with educational and training opportunities on new Rinnai products Rinnai America Corporation, a manufacturer of the number-one selling brand of tankless gas water heaters in North America, has revived its Try Rinnai Tour, a US and Canada road show that Read more
David Federico

Originally instated in 2018, the Try Rinnai Tour is back to visit PROs across the U.S. with educational and training opportunities on new Rinnai products
Rinnai America Corporation, a manufacturer of the number-one selling brand of tankless gas water heaters in North America, has revived its Try Rinnai Tour, a US and Canada road show that connects Rinnai team members with PROs for training and education opportunities. From May through October, Rinnai’s sales team will share the latest technologies with trade professionals, educating them on the benefits of working with and installing Rinnai products to increase profit and grow their business.

“We understand the labor shortage in our country and the difficulty that many PROs have in leaving their market for training and learning about new technologies,” said David Federico, Senior Marketing Director, North America. “With the Try Rinnai Tour, we want to make their jobs easy, so we are taking our products and trainings straight to them.”
The tour was created to help alleviate a PROs’ busy schedule, by bringing training events via van straight to their neighborhoods. Throughout the tour’s duration, it’s estimated 500 local events could take place, allowing Rinnai to potentially interact with up to 20,000 installers. The seven branded vans will be found at distribution locations across the U.S. and Canada, where many PROs already pick up products and supplies. Additionally, the vans are leveraged at contractor locations and other local venues.
The sales team will focus their education and training opportunities on two new product launches for 2022: The RSC Condensing Tankless Water Heater and the RE Series, the first non-condensing water heater to include a built-in recirculation pump. The tour will also detail the new Smart-Circ™ Intelligent Recirculation™ technology, available in both products, which offers many consumer benefits and even an easier installation experience for the PRO.
Rinnai’s brand promise of Creating a healthier way of living is at the forefront of all the company’s efforts. By continuing to educate and train PROs on the latest tankless technologies, Rinnai is aiding in providing homes and commercial buildings with energy-efficient hot water options for cleaner and healthier living.

Improvement in reducing the carbon footprint of its tankless water heaters, boilers and direct-vent wall furnaces Creating a healthier way of living® is Rinnai’s brand promise, and there’s no better way to uphold it then to invest in research and improvements resulting in cleaner and more efficient energy sources. Rinnai, whose previous product inventory leveraged industry Read more
Improvement in reducing the carbon footprint of its tankless water heaters, boilers and direct-vent wall furnaces
Creating a healthier way of living® is Rinnai’s brand promise, and there’s no better way to uphold it then to invest in research and improvements resulting in cleaner and more efficient energy sources. Rinnai, whose previous product inventory leveraged industry norms like propane or natural gas, tested the use of Hydrogen-Enriched Natural Gas (HENG) across its tankless water heaters, boilers and direct-vent wall furnaces. This low-carbon energy source – a combination of natural gas with hydrogen – decreases carbon intensity and improves combustion in end-use products. After thorough research and testing, Rinnai’s products have been approved for use with HENG and depending on the product can use up to 30% hydrogen. End users benefit by preserving fuel, improving the products cost efficiency and most importantly, reducing carbon dioxide emissions to better the environment.
“We want to honor our promise of Creating a healthier way of living® by offering customers a greener energy that fosters a healthier environment,” said David Federico, Brand Director. “With our products approved for use with HENG, we can help reduce the carbon footprint of Rinnai water and space heating appliances without sacrificing quality.”
The demand for clean energy has been on the up and on for quite some time and the importance to customers continues to rise. With those user preferences in mind, HENG makes it possible to lower the carbon intensity of natural gas, delivering a cost competitive solution for protecting the environment.
For decades, hydrogen has been considered as an alternative energy carrier. According to the article “Hydrogen-Enriched Natural Gas, Bridge to an Ultra-Low Carbon World,” the concept isn’t new. Due to its small carbon footprint compared to other fuels, natural gas is playing an important part in changing the environment for the better through reducing release of other pollutants besides carbon dioxide, such as nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and other hydrocarbons.
“On top of environmental benefits, the cleaner burning HENG safely leverages the existing natural gas infrastructure already in place for our products,” said Federico. “So, there’s no need for product upgrades or modifications to utilize HENG. It’s a seamless transition.”
By applying already set in place infrastructure to lowering carbon dioxide emissions, HENG helps maintain high efficiency and reduces the carbon footprint of Rinnai water and space heating appliances, which is a great step towards Creating a healthier way of living®.
To learn more about Rinnai, visit www.rinnai.us.