HVACR Industry

Inaba Denko America, a leader in innovative solutions such as hanging pipe support for the HVACR industry, has been honored with the prestigious Gold Award in the Components and Accessories category of the 2024 Dealer Design Awards. “We are thrilled to receive the Dealer Design Award,” said Karina Aharonian, Marketing and Product Manager at Inaba Read more

Inaba Denko America, a leader in innovative solutions such as hanging pipe support for the HVACR industry, has been honored with the prestigious Gold Award in the Components and Accessories category of the 2024 Dealer Design Awards.

“We are thrilled to receive the Dealer Design Award,” said Karina Aharonian, Marketing and Product Manager at Inaba Denko America. “We already knew that SuperLock is an outstanding solution that provides robust pipe support and streamlines the installation process. This award comes as a confirmation that dealers and contractors agree.

The Dealer Design Awards recognize outstanding achievements in product design and innovation, judged by a panel of independent contractors who are experts in the field. Inaba Denko America’s SuperLock stood out for its exceptional design and functionality, earning it the top spot in its category.

Inaba Denko America’s entry, the SuperLock, offers innovative horizontal hanging pipe support with a simple design that meets the challenges of supporting refrigerant lines above the ceiling of residential and commercial buildings.

Toshiaki Ishii, Executive Vice President, added, “This award was a great recognition of the effort put in by the R&D and manufacturing team at our headquarters in Japan. SuperLock, as it is the standard of all our products, was developed with a focus on quality, durability and ease of use. Inaba Denko America takes pride in making this award-winning product available for the North American market.”

Winning entries of the Dealer Design Awards were featured prominently in the July 29, 2024, issue of The ACHR NEWS, reaching over 27,000 HVACR contractors, wholesalers, distributors, and industry professionals nationwide.

For more information about Inaba Denko America and the award-winning SuperLock, please visit www.inabadenkoamerica.com.

Industry experts in decarbonization and electrification weigh in on heat pump technology Danfoss’ EnVisioneering Exchange podcast series, now in its third season, continues to explore the megatrends shaping our future with a lineup of guests from all facets of the HVACR industry. February’s episodes feature discussions on heat pumps, their role in decarbonization and how Read more

Industry experts in decarbonization and electrification weigh in on heat pump technology

Danfoss’ EnVisioneering Exchange podcast series, now in its third season, continues to explore the megatrends shaping our future with a lineup of guests from all facets of the HVACR industry. February’s episodes feature discussions on heat pumps, their role in decarbonization and how the industry and policymakers can encourage their adoption.

In “The Role of Heat Pumps in Decarbonization,” released on February 2, Steve Nadel, executive director of American Council on an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), discusses the barriers to heat pump adoption, particularly in buildings. He emphasizes the importance of educating both consumers and contractors on the value of heat pumps and financial incentives for building owners, as well as the need for new technologies that increase heat pump effectiveness in colder climates.

In “Clearing the Hurdles to Heat Pump Adoption,” released on February 20, Ron Domitrovic, program manager for the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), addresses some of the heat pump technologies on the horizon and what policies are needed to increase adoption. He notes that variable-speed heat pumps, powered by variable-speed compressors, have helped make heat pumps more effective and efficient in colder climates, but the technology needs to continue to evolve to make it cost-effective to retrofit existing buildings with heat pump systems. Increasing adoptions also requires educating contractors and suppliers on the benefits of heat pumps and options for installation.

All EnVisioneering Exchange podcasts can be accessed on SoundCloud and Danfoss’ EnVisioneering Solutions blog, and are posted on Danfoss LinkedIn and Twitter.

Fieldpiece to Present $25K in Scholarship Funds to Support Rising Stars in the HVACR Industry  Fieldpiece Instruments, a leader in tool and test instruments for HVACR professionals for over 30 years, is pleased to announce the second annual #MasteroftheTrade Scholarship. Fieldpiece partnered with SkillsUSA to administer the distribution of more than $25,000 in 2023 scholarship Read more

Fieldpiece to Present $25K in Scholarship Funds to Support Rising Stars in the HVACR Industry 

Fieldpiece Instruments, a leader in tool and test instruments for HVACR professionals for over 30 years, is pleased to announce the second annual #MasteroftheTrade Scholarship. Fieldpiece partnered with SkillsUSA to administer the distribution of more than $25,000 in 2023 scholarship opportunities designed to give back to the HVACR industry it proudly serves. The #MasteroftheTrade Scholarship will support 13 SkillsUSA students studying HVACR in their junior or senior year of high school, or as college or postsecondary students, granting them funds to continue their education in a college or postsecondary HVACR technology program. Seven $2,500 criteria-based postsecondary education scholarships will go to SkillsUSA HVAC students and a total of $10,000 in scholarships will go to the six gold, silver and bronze medal-winning high school and college/postsecondary students who top the leader-boards of the National Leadership & Skills Conference (NLSC).

“As a sincere advocate for the HVACR community, Fieldpiece strives to support both new and seasoned professionals in the HVACR industry,” said Tony Gonzalez, technical training manager at Fieldpiece Instruments. “Our commitment goes beyond simply designing and developing HVACR tools that enhance the way techs work. Fieldpiece is devoted to the future of the industry and is proud to help ensure young up-and-coming professionals are well-equipped with tools, knowledge and resources to support their future success. Whether supporting techs through free online training resources like Fieldpiece University, an online platform designed to keep industry professionals at the top of their game; or supporting the path to an HVACR career with scholarships like #MasteroftheTrade, we want to see our community thrive!” 

Through this continued scholarship offering, Fieldpiece Instruments also sheds light on the shortage of trained labor in the HVACR industry. With more than 110,000 unfilled HVAC technician jobs, Fieldpiece hopes to help spread the word about the positive career opportunities the industry offers.

“There is a critical need for more HVACR technicians,” said Chelle Travis, executive director at SkillsUSA. “We sincerely thank Fieldpiece Instruments for supporting SkillsUSA and our nation’s future workforce. We are rolling up our sleeves every day to support career and technical education as we forge meaningful partnerships with industry. Working together with Fieldpiece Instruments, we can help close the skills gap.”

To apply for the seven #MasteroftheTrade Scholarships, applicants must be SkillsUSA members enrolled in its HVACR or general construction programs who plan to study HVACR at the college or postsecondary level in the class of 2023-24 (high school seniors) or 2024-25 school year (high school juniors). The scholarship application must include a resume and either an essay (300 words or fewer) or a video (1-3 minutes) answering the question: “Why have you chosen a career in HVACR?” The scholarship opened on Dec. 1 and applications must be submitted by April 1, 2023. Scholarship recipients will be announced on May 16, 2023.

Scholarships will be awarded based on the merit of the application including the essay or video and the proficiency of the SkillsUSA Framework skills demonstrated in the application materials. To receive the funds, scholarship recipients must provide an acceptance letter from their postsecondary education program or their first semester tuition invoice. The funds will be distributed directly to the school.


The SkillsUSA Championships is the nation’s largest workforce development event for middle-school, high-school and college/postsecondary students enrolled in public career and technical education programs. The contests are planned by representatives of labor and management and are designed to test the skills needed for successful entry-level performance in given occupational fields. Safety practices and procedures — an area of concern to labor and management alike — are part of each contestant’s score. SkillsUSA represents 130 different occupational areas and adds contests to the SkillsUSA Championships each year to meet the demands of new or expanding careers. In 2023, the SkillsUSA Championships will feature more than 6,000 competitors in 110 hands-on skill and leadership contests. Each contestant is a state gold medalist.

Visit www.fieldpiece.com/Scholarship for more information.