Navien Modular Manifold Kits

Available in configurations of two, three, and four units side-by-side, and two and four units back-to-back, the Ready-Link® Manifold Kits are designed to save contractors time on multi-unit NPE Tankless Water Heater installations. Complete packages for rapid assembly on new installations or same day emergency replacements can be picked up at Navien wholesale locations and Read more

Available in configurations of two, three, and four units side-by-side, and two and four units back-to-back, the Ready-Link® Manifold Kits are designed to save contractors time on multi-unit NPE Tankless Water Heater installations. Complete packages for rapid assembly on new installations or same day emergency replacements can be picked up at Navien wholesale locations and mounted either on a wall or on the Navien Ready-Link Rack System to support up to 16 cascaded units in 30 different arrangements. Visit or