The Most Comprehensive Cross Reference, Parts and Equipment Database Tool for HVAC Bluon, Inc., the rapidly growing company focused on upgrading the HVAC industry, today announced the launch of BluonSearch, the most comprehensive parts and equipment cross-reference database in HVAC. BluonSearch represents a giant leap forward in enabling HVAC distributors to quickly determine their customers’ Read more
The Most Comprehensive Cross Reference, Parts and Equipment Database Tool for HVAC
Bluon, Inc., the rapidly growing company focused on upgrading the HVAC industry, today announced the launch of BluonSearch, the most comprehensive parts and equipment cross-reference database in HVAC. BluonSearch represents a giant leap forward in enabling HVAC distributors to quickly determine their customers’ needs and satisfy them using their local inventory – all through a highly intuitive, brand-agnostic tool providing instant access to over 300,000 unique model numbers and 3 million unique parts, with over 40 million listed cross-references.
Distributors lose a staggering portion of potential part orders – estimated at up to 50% – by not having an easy-to-use, comprehensive database enabling them to determine what part, or equivalent part, their customer actually needs. BluonSearch solves what is a shockingly pervasive problem in the HVAC industry, costing local distributors billions in lost potential revenue, and technicians countless hours of lost time.
BluonSearch is the rebirth of XREF, acquired by Bluon in 2021, that provided basic access to replacement parts and cross-reference information for HVAC distributors nationwide. Bluon and its unique team of technicians and database engineers spent nine months pouring over the immense database adding specifications and new connections and most importantly, ensuring data accuracy. The result is BluonSearch, an entirely new, updated database that allows even the most novice employees to instantly add decades of experience to their daily interactions with customers.
“We are excited to provide our customers with a much-needed, comprehensive equipment and cross-reference tool,” said Adam Curry, vice president of software at Bluon. “It turns out that the world of HVAC parts and equipment is kind of a mess. The industry is large but fragmented, so we’ve had hundreds of manufacturers produce millions of parts, but no one has created a truly brand-agnostic map for navigating it all. This lack of a simple search tool is a hidden tax on the industry, costing billions in missed sales and lost productivity. BluonSearch is a huge leap forward for HVAC distributors and their customers.”