Whether you are interested in becoming a plumber yourself or you need to hire a plumber or a certain project, it is important to make sure that you are aware of what makes a good plumber so that you know what to look for. Read on to find out more.

- A desire to use the best products – The best plumbers do not cut corners. They make sure that they use the best tools and parts because they know that this is how they are going to get the best results. You cannot expect to simply purchase secondhand parts on the likes of eBay. Whether it is pipework or a shell and tube heat exchanger, quality and suitability should always be your main priorities.
- Great customer service skills – Not only do plumbers need to be competent when it comes to carrying out plumbing tasks, but they need to be great with customers as well. After all, this is a customer-facing role. You are going to be dealing with people who may be a bit frustrated because they have an unexpected expense. Moreover, a lot of them may not understand much about plumbing. Therefore, it is imperative to be empathetic and understanding. Furthermore, you need to have the ability to explain plumbing concepts and issues in a manner that is easy to understand.
- A good knowledge of math, building, and construction – There are a lot of great plumbing courses out there that will teach you everything you need to know in order to become a plumber. Nevertheless, you need to make sure you have the basic knowledge if you are to be effective in this role. Some of the key areas that are important when it comes to plumbing are construction, building, and math. You will need to be able to maintain, use, and repair a wide range of tools and machines as well.
- Problem-solving and initiative – These are another two areas whereby you are going to need to excel if you want to be a plumber. Sometimes, the problem is not always going to be obvious when it comes to plumbing issues, and so you will need to be able to get to the bottom of what has happened so you can provide the solution that is needed.
- A good team worker – As a plumber, you will rarely work on your own. A lot of the time you are going to be with at least one other person. Moreover, you may find that you need to work with other professionals, especially when working on new builds and such like. Because of this, it is vital to make sure you can work effectively in a team.
As you can see, there are a number of important skills and qualities that successful plumbers have. We hope that this has helped you to get a better understanding of what it takes to be effective in this position and what you should look out for when hiring.
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