Grease clogged pipes produce problems. But the right drain cleaning equipment, Chris Fantauzzo contends, turns those problems into profits. “Health inspectors, for instance, want restaurants to clean grease traps regularly – often every six months,” the owner of Mercer Drain Cleaning Service says. Bar owners, municipal authorities, and homeowners, he adds, also suffer grease, sediment Read more
drain cleaning

Grease clogged pipes produce problems. But the right drain cleaning equipment, Chris Fantauzzo contends, turns those problems into profits.
“Health inspectors, for instance, want restaurants to clean grease traps regularly – often every six months,” the owner of Mercer Drain Cleaning Service says. Bar owners, municipal authorities, and homeowners, he adds, also suffer grease, sediment, sand, and ice.
And every problem, he says, is a business opportunity.

That’s why Fantauzzo’s company near Trenton, NJ added the popular, reliable JM-2900™ gas-powered water jet from General Pipe Cleaners to Mercer’s extensive mix of drain-cleaning and inspection solutions.
“When a drain cleaning cable goes through grease, the grease closes behind the cable, still leaving the line clogged,” he explains. But the JM-2900 hits soft clogs with a wall-to-wall stream of high-pressure water – and flushes them away.
Performance like that boosts Fantauzzo’s business. One of his competitors recently tried clearing a cast iron residential line – but the blockage returned a few days later.
“The guy just snaked through a whole mess of toilet paper, which almost immediately re-clogged the pipe,” he recalls. “We blasted the blockage downstream with our JM-2900 – and removed the wad from the house trap. Problem solved – permanently!”
An economical alternative to larger gas-powered jets, the JM-2900 is lighter and more maneuverable – yet maintains the same pressure and flow rate as competitive jets.
Power comes from a proven 13 hp (389 cc) engine connected directly to a 3000 psi, 4 gpm triplex pump. The 200 ft capacity hose reel with reel brake is mounted on a rugged, heavy-duty frame with two flat-free foam core tires for maximum stability and easy handling.
General’s powerful gas and electric-powered water jets – with on-demand Vibra-Pulse® for greater nozzle thrust around tight bends and down long lines – offer professional drain cleaners indispensable weapons against all sorts of soft blockages. With a wide variety of “Jet-Set” models available, experts like Fantauzzo admire the line’s reliability, rugged technology, transportability, and safety features.
“Until we get our General trailer-mounted jet,” Fantauzzo smiles, “our JM-2900 handles 4″ and larger diameter lines!”
A General equipment user for over 15 years, he also owns a compact, portable JM-1450 electric water jet for smaller jobs – 1-1/2″ to 4″ lines.
The powerful JM-1450 generates 1500 psi at 1.7 gallons per minute – yet only pulls 13 amps. Also equipped with Vibra-Pulse® and General’s standard safety features, it’s powered by a 1-1/2 hp dual capacitor enclosed motor with an in-line ground fault circuit interrupter.
Fantauzzo says he “picked products I already trusted” when starting Mercer. Now his ample arsenal only sports General drain-cleaning and inspection solutions:
- A Gen-Eye® video system with digital locator.
- Two Speedrooter 91 root cutting machines for long, tough jobs.
- A compact Sewerooter T-4™ mid-range machine.
- Two Power-Vee® hand-held, auto-feed drain cleaners.
- A Kinetic Water Ram® – the lightweight, innovative, hand-held device that safely, quickly and cleanly clears clogs with powerful bursts of compressed air.
Fantauzzo often teams tools for optimal productivity. “We precisely spot and diagnose problems with our Gen-Eye, for instance – then use the right drain cleaner to complete the job.”
But water jets can’t clear heavy stoppages like tree roots, Fantauzzo cautions, and don’t replace cable machines. “That’s why we have our Speedrooter 91’s and Metro. Each tool has specific advantages. And each complements the other.”
Fantauzzo offers a 30-day warranty on every drain-cleaning job. He never advertises. And 100% of his central New Jersey business comes from his fast growing roster of satisfied customers.
“But I can’t give a warranty if I don’t do the job right,” Fantauzzo says. “And I can’t do the job right if I don’t have the right tools.”
That’s why he’s built his business around drain-cleaning and inspection equipment from General Pipe Cleaners.
“I run my whole company with General products,” he declares. “They enhance our professional image!”
For more information, visit, or call the Drain Brains® at General 800-245-6200.

General Pipe Cleaners’ popular Sewerooter T-4™ mid-size drain cleaner packs the performance, punch, and portability to unclog 3” to 6” diameter lines up to 100 feet long. Plumbing, drain cleaning, maintenance, and restoration pros love it. With more cleaning power than its T-3 predecessor, Sewerooter T-4 carries 100 feet of 9/16” Flexicore® cable to clear stubborn Read more
General Pipe Cleaners’ popular Sewerooter T-4™ mid-size drain cleaner packs the performance, punch, and portability to unclog 3” to 6” diameter lines up to 100 feet long.
Plumbing, drain cleaning, maintenance, and restoration pros love it. With more cleaning power than its T-3 predecessor, Sewerooter T-4 carries 100 feet of 9/16” Flexicore® cable to clear stubborn stoppages in 3” to 4” inside lines. Heavy duty 9/16” cable provides more torque than traditional 1/2” cables offer, yet can clean the same size drain lines.

Need to clear tree roots and other tough clogs from 3” to 6” lines? Simply switch drums to 75 feet of 5/8” Flexicore cable. To adjust to different cable sizes, just turn a knob atop the feed. No screwdriver required.
General’s labor saving, variable speed Power Cable Feed also offers enhanced safety and control through blockages. Optimized to reduce whipping and drag, the Guide Tube helps users easily propel cable in and out of lines at up to 20 feet per minute. Hands keep clean – and off spinning cable!
Made in the USA, Sewerooter T-4 features a fold-down handle, stair climbers, and truck loading wheel for easy transport, maneuvering, and storage. Its robust, reinforced frame rides smoothly on big 10” ball bearing wheels.
The powder coated metal drum includes General’s unique, self-aligning Flexitube™ distributor tube to reduce cable tangling. And a heavy-duty 1/3 hp capacitor-type motor with thermal overload protection powers Sewerooter T-4.
Flexicore cable offers superior kinking resistance and unequalled strength with the right amount of flexibility. It’s so tough that it carries the best warranty in the business – one-year protection against defect and breakage.
For details contact the® at General Pipe Cleaners at 800-245-6200 or 412-771-6300, or visit

Most people reading the title of this post would no doubt answer its proposed question with, “well, hire emergency plumbers,” and they’d be completely right. This is step one in the process of resolving a fault, and many of these firms can call out immediately to rectify the issue or help you limit the damage Read more
Most people reading the title of this post would no doubt answer its proposed question with, “well, hire emergency plumbers,” and they’d be completely right. This is step one in the process of resolving a fault, and many of these firms can call out immediately to rectify the issue or help you limit the damage before they arrive; such as by turning off the water mains so leaks don’t spread too far.
That said, plumbing issues may not always simply require a quick fix to solve. In some circumstances, an issue like this can need weeks of renovation and repair in order to not only resolve the issue, but to ensure it won’t happen again. It’s always best to implement a direct solution now, no matter how long that takes, than to integrate patchwork fixes that only delay the inevitable.
But what exactly should you do if your business premises suffer a plumbing issue? In this post, we hope to discuss that, as well as how to manage your staff appropriately during this time:

Immediate Callout
Of course, ensuring that the chance for an immediate callout is one you can rely on makes a big difference. This may be the difference between a leak causing some damage or a lot of damage. They will be able to advise how to properly implement fixes in the right way; such as by renovating the plumbing network, replacing fixtures, or assessing the cause of damage. In the long run, these services are worth paying long-form maintenance subscription charges for, because they can save you thousands in recuperative costs after the fact.
Alternate Arrangements
It’s also important to make alternate arrangements as and when you can do so, especially if you have staff to manage. Portable toilets will provide a worthwhile method of giving staff somewhere to capably and hygienically retire when needed. It may also mean that events and other important calendar events can go ahead despite the difficulties with plumbing and the week-long fixes they require. Alternatively, it might be worth simply sending certain staff members home for the time being as you may not have the required about of legal restrooms necessary for them, luckily hybrid and remote working can make a big difference here.
Fencing Off Problem Areas
Of course, safety is paramount. A singular plumbing problem of sufficient difficulty can sometimes leave the overall structural soundness of an area incompatible with adequate risk management, which means that fencing off problem areas is key. Positioning signs to showcase where work will be carried out and which alternative routes exist can help those in your building more easily commit to their daily tasks without too much interruption. Plumbing professionals will be able to help you properly chart what space they need, how disruptive their work will be, and how long they estimate the project will take.
With this advice, we believe you’ll be able to thrive even if your business premises does suffer a plumbing issue going forward. In the long run, this will make a positive difference.

The Lightweight, Low Price Alternative To Larger Water Jets The economical alternative to larger water jets, the JM-2900 Jet-Set® gas powered water jet from General Pipe Cleaners packs the power and punch to quickly clear grease, sand, ice, and other “soft” stoppages from 4” to 8” drain lines. It’s also lighter and more maneuverable than competitive Read more
The Lightweight, Low Price Alternative To Larger Water Jets
The economical alternative to larger water jets, the JM-2900 Jet-Set® gas powered water jet from General Pipe Cleaners packs the power and punch to quickly clear grease, sand, ice, and other “soft” stoppages from 4” to 8” drain lines.
It’s also lighter and more maneuverable than competitive machines – yet maintains the same pressure and flow rate as other jets in its class.

Users will appreciate the 200 ft. capacity hose reel with drag brake, reel lock, and swivel is mounted on General’s maneuverable, stable, heavy-duty frame. The unit rides on two, 10” inch “Flat-Free” foam core tires. And a passive brake keeps the machine solidly and safely positioned during work.
Power comes from a reliable 13hp (389 cc) engine connected directly to a 3000 psi, 4 gpm triplex pump. Vibra-pulse® helps the hose slide around tight bends and down long runs.
Standard safety features include a thermal relief valve to protect the pump from heat damage, a back flow check valve, and inlet filter. The JM-2900 comes complete with a toolbox. And an optional spray wand is available.
For more information, contact the Drain Brains® at General at 800-245-6200 or 412-771-6300, or visit

“I don’t want competitors to know I use this tool. Some customers think I have super powers.” That’s Omar Taylor talking about the lightweight, compact Kinetic Water Ram® from General Pipe Cleaners. The innovative tool safely, quickly and cleanly clears clogged sinks and showers, toilets and tubs with Kinetic Energy. And it’s given the young Read more
“I don’t want competitors to know I use this tool. Some customers think I have super powers.”
That’s Omar Taylor talking about the lightweight, compact Kinetic Water Ram® from General Pipe Cleaners.
The innovative tool safely, quickly and cleanly clears clogged sinks and showers, toilets and tubs with Kinetic Energy. And it’s given the young, Indiana-based plumber a clear competitive edge.
Taylor comes from three generations of professionals. In business for over six years, he routinely subcontracts for a major national plumbing and drain cleaning company specializing in franchise services.
“Jobs that take guys an hour with cable machines, I do in just 5 minutes,” he says. “It’s like they say in the movie, ‘Who you gonna call?’ With my Kinetic Water Ram, I handle emergencies super quick!”

Fast, Clean Work
That’s why Taylor prefers General’s pioneering tool for rapidly clearing many common residential and commercial clogs. Call it his “secret identity”!
“I’ve earned a reputation for prompt, clean service with minimal disruption,” he says. “Most customers can’t believe how fast I handle their problems.”
Kinetic Water Ram unleashes a powerful burst of compressed air that drives a shock wave (kinetic energy) through water at 4,700 ft./second – instantly breaking up the stoppage. There’s no pressure build-up within the system, either. The shock wave bypasses stacks and vents. 98% of the force is directed down the line and only 2% against pipe walls.
The Kinetic Water Ram easily clears hair, rust, grease, sediment, and scale from lines from 1-1/4″ up to 4″ in diameter. It’s especially effective clearing slow draining tubs when the stoppage is on the far side of a drum trap – or through narrow lines in trailer homes that can be hard on a snake.
Amazing Versatility
Taylor first learned of the Kinetic Water Ram when a training supervisor watched him struggle snaking the old trap of a clogged basement shower drain.
“After a while he said, ‘Let me show you how to really do it, son’,” Taylor recalls. “The supervisor got his Kinetic Water Ram, pumped it up, and immediately cleared the clog.”
That’s when Taylor became a true believer.
“The Kinetic Water Ram is perfect for all kinds of drain cleaning problems,” he claims. “It’s amazing on grease in kitchen sinks, hair and scum in bathtubs, and toilet paper and disposable wipes in commodes.”
An optional toilet attachment screws onto the front of the Kinetic Water Ram – permitting firmer positioning in the bowl and acting like a powerful plunger.
The Pro’s Favorite
And Omar Taylor’s not the only “true believer.”
“It takes longer to write-up the bill than to unclog a drain with that tool.” says Dale Smith, owner of D. Smith Plumbing Services in Jayess, Mississippi.
“When several people call you early in the morning or late at night, you can’t afford to spend 3 or 4 hours at each place,” Smith adds. “The Kinetic Water Ram lets me do multiple jobs daily – with time to spare.”
Dale Smith calls it “amazing” on bathtubs. “I’ve cleared hundreds – many with old-fashioned lever-actuated stoppers that prevent me from using a cable machine,” he notes. “Kinetic Water Ram handles them all.”
Compact Design Scores Points
Smith also values the tool’s portability.
“In the past, I’ve snaked through roof vents to clear clogs,” he says. That meant dragging a heavy, awkward cable machine to the roof. “Now I can handle most jobs with my lightweight Kinetic Water Ram.”
General’s tool comes standard with flexible cone seals from 1-1/4″ to 4″ in diameter, caulking hose, and five tapered valves for sealing openings from 1-1/4″ through 4”. A Schraeder valve for use with an external air compressor when clearing difficult blockages is also provided.
Boosting Professionalism & Productivity
“It’s super-simple to use,” Omar Taylor concludes.
Simply pump the Kinetic Water Ram to the desired pressure, plug overflows to prevent splash back, and firmly position the flexible cone over the drain opening. One snap of the trigger unleashes a powerful shock wave, instantly clearing clogs.
That’s especially important when customers see Taylor clearing clogged drains with such amazing speed and cleanliness.
“They think I’m a ‘Super Hero’ of Indiana plumbers,” Taylor jokes. “That’s why I like keeping my Kinetic Water Ram secret from competitors!”