Pressgun 6 and Pressgun 6 Picco offer an affordable entry to pressing technology Broomfield, Colo. — Viega LLC, the company which introduced pressing to North America, now has its own branded pressing tools for use with its fittings. The Viega Pressgun 6 and Pressgun 6 Picco are now available in distributors and through Viega. The Read more

Pressgun 6 and Pressgun 6 Picco offer an affordable entry to pressing technology
Broomfield, Colo. — Viega LLC, the company which introduced pressing to North America, now has its own branded pressing tools for use with its fittings.
The Viega Pressgun 6 and Pressgun 6 Picco are now available in distributors and through Viega. The tools, which are the first in North America to carry the Viega name, cost less than similar press tools from other manufacturers and are an affordable way for contractors to adopt pressing.

“We know the cost of tools has been a barrier for some contractors who want to adopt pressing,” said Dominic Küng, Senior Manager, Product Portfolio. “The lower price of the Pressgun 6 and Pressgun 6 Picco will make it easier for those customers to buy a tool and begin realizing the enormous benefits of pressing.”
Tools aren’t a new offering for Viega. It has sold branded tools in Europe for years in collaboration with RIDGID, whichmanufactures the Pressgun 6 and Pressgun 6 Picco for Viega.

The Pressgun 6 is a no-frills, cost-efficient workhorse that can press up to 4″ ProPress copper and stainless and 2″ MegaPress with the V2 actuator and rings, as well as 2″ PureFlow PEX. Its features include:
- Eight-second press cycle
- LED display indicating number of presses left on a charge
- Steel cylinder head and jaw intake
- 270° rotating cylinder head
- Forward and backward compatibility with RIDGID batteriesThe less expensive and less powerful Pressgun 6 Picco can press up to 11⁄4″ ProPress with the C1 actuator and rings, 11⁄2″ PureFlow and 3⁄4″ MegaPress.
Neither tool can be used with the MegaPress XL PressBooster or MegaPress Z3 Actuator.
Both tools come with an 18-volt lithium-ion battery and charger. The 2.5/5.0 Ah battery offers 25% more presses per charge than the previous battery. It includes a battery life indicator. The charger comes with a standard 100-240V charging cord and a 12V DC charging cord so it can be charged off a vehicle lighter. The battery also features forward and backward compatibility with RIDGID batteries, chargers and tools.
“We’re excited to make it possible for additional contractors to become more efficient and productive through pressing,”Küng said. “They’ll find that the Pressgun 6 and Pressgun 6 Picco will revolutionize their businesses and quickly pay for themselves.”
To learn more about the tool, visit here.

Jobber’s 2020 Home Service Economic Report highlights the COVID-19 pandemic’s initial impact on Home Service, as well as the category’s path to recovery Jobber, the leading provider of home service management software, today released the Home Service Economic Report: 2020 Review, which showcases market trends and insights pertaining to the performance of the Home Service category Read more
Jobber’s 2020 Home Service Economic Report highlights the COVID-19 pandemic’s initial impact on Home Service, as well as the category’s path to recovery
Jobber, the leading provider of home service management software, today released the Home Service Economic Report: 2020 Review, which showcases market trends and insights pertaining to the performance of the Home Service category throughout 2020. Although Home Service experienced a significant decline in year-over-year growth in March and April when stay-at-home directives were implemented across the U.S., the category ended the year exceeding pre-pandemic growth levels.
According to the report, median revenue in Home Service saw consistent positive growth beginning in June, and reached a record high for the year in December with 23% growth year-over-year. New work scheduled, an early indicator of the health of Home Service businesses, peaked in June with 17% growth year-over-year, then continued to see consistent positive growth throughout the second half of the year.

“While so many small businesses were sadly forced to close shop in 2020, most Home Service businesses endured,” said Sam Pillar, CEO and co-founder of Jobber. “All the major metrics we track for Home Service, including consumer demand, employment and revenue, point to an overall category recovery as we kick off 2021. If 2020 is any indication, service providers are a resilient group that can overcome challenges that may surface in the year ahead.”
Jobber’s Home Service Economic Reports are compiled using proprietary data aggregated from over 100,000 Home Service professionals that use the platform. That data, along with various sources of government data, are used to assess the performance of the Home Service category, and compare it against other major categories (Restaurants, General Merchandise Stores, Automotive, Clothing Stores, and Grocery Stores). The report also provides insights into key segments such as Cleaning, Contracting, and Green; and looks into industry trends related to technology adoption and how they are affecting Home Service businesses’ ability to get work, do work, invoice and get paid.
Key findings from the report include:
- Home Service has proven to be resilient—Despite its initial decline, Home Service has proven to be one of the most stable categories aside from Grocery Stores and General Merchandise Stores amidst economic uncertainty.
- Consumers spending more on Home Service—Sparked by renewed homeowner interest to improve indoor and outdoor living spaces, consumer spending in Home Service out-performed most major categories in the second half of 2020, compared to the same period in 2019.
- Technology adoption on the rise—Digital work requests saw accelerated growth through 2020 after a decline in March and April. Data also shows an increase in electronic customer communication in the form of visit reminders, which saw 30% year-over year growth in April and May, despite the fact that actual visits declined during this period.
- Online payments continue to grow—Consumer payments with credit and debit cards grew faster than overall revenue growth in the second half of 2020.
- Commercial cleaning outperformed residential—Residential cleaning was the industry most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, while commercial cleaning contract work was comparatively stable.
- Contracting warranty services showed stability—Warranty services proved to be the most steady type of work in the Contracting segment while inspection/consultation for new work was the most volatile.
- The Green segment experienced record growth—The Green segment, which includes landscaping, lawn care, and other outdoor services, is the only segment that saw year-over-year growth in median revenue every month during 2020. This growth accelerated in Q4, hitting a record 32% year-over-year growth in December.

“When the COVID-19 pandemic hit back in March, we weren’t sure how our customers’ businesses would perform,” said Abheek Dhawan, VP, Business Operations at Jobber. “Although service businesses experienced record declines at the onset of the pandemic, they managed to weather the storm rather effectively to end 2020 on a positive note. It’s especially promising to see the increase in technology adoption, as it means that not only are service professionals surviving, but also further investing in their businesses. We suspect that the trend towards technology adoption, which has accelerated due to the pandemic, will continue into 2021 and beyond.”
To download the Home Service Economic Report: 2020 Retrospective, visit:

If you’ve ever seen Bob Baker’s Instagram page (@bakerplumbing), you’ll notice a few posts sprinkled in that show the beauty in this world, the good in people and an optimistic underlying tone. “It’s really become a focus for me as it seems that much of what is ugly and unkind dominates the news and many Read more
If you’ve ever seen Bob Baker’s Instagram page (@bakerplumbing), you’ll notice a few posts sprinkled in that show the beauty in this world, the good in people and an optimistic underlying tone. “It’s really become a focus for me as it seems that much of what is ugly and unkind dominates the news and many feeds I see. Honestly, it is therapeutic for me to focus on the wonderful things that this life, the world and the trade has to offer,” says Baker.
While it’s hard to escape all of the negativity, Baker sees the more positive approach as more of a mental exercise more than anything, to keep him focused on the good, simple, beautiful things that surround him if only he took time to notice. “I try not to let that negative stuff affect my mood and relationships so positive posts are really reminders to say the world, my life and this trade are wonderful, and have blessed my life and the life of my family more than I realize.”
Baker Plumbing
Baker Plumbing started in 1956, as Bob’s grandfather was an aircraft mechanic during WWII, and after the war he moved from Ontario to Alberta to start a family and started rehab training—provided by the military—to become a plumber. He got his license in 1952, then went on his own in 1956.
He had four boys—three of which became plumbers—one went stateside to become an engineer, one started a plumbing business in Cardston, and Bob’s father, Gerry, stayed in Calgary running mostly new construction, remodel, and eventually was heavily involved in septic fields and water treatment.
Fun fact: Alberta is actually the sunniest province in Canada with an average of 312 sunny days per year. The winters are dry, sunny and cold with an average temperature in January of -14C or 6.8F, but can get as cold as -51C (-59.8F), which it did for several weeks last year.
Probably the most unique feature of Calgary’s winter weather is what’s called a Chinook, where the warm winds from the Pacific Coast lose their moisture in the Rocky Mountains and then blow warm, dry air over Southern Alberta. The record is a 41C rise from -19C to +22C in an hour and once the Chinook is over the temperature can quickly drop to below zero. “That type of weather change is really hard on the HVAC equipment, which provides a lot of opportunities to maintain, upgrade or replace everything from RTUs to residential furnaces. It’s never a dull moment around this place,” says Baker.
Bob Baker now runs the company and he has been on his own since 1998, focusing on commercial service and renovations—multi-national restaurant and hotel chains. “It makes for an exciting and diverse scope of work. which frankly I love, and it keep me interested and highly involved in the day-to-day. The next generation is on its way as my two boys have taken to the trade as well. Isaiah just completed his journeyman tests (and passed) and Pete is half through his training.”

Bob Baker with his two sons, Peter (l) and Isaiah (r).
Baker has never actually been out of the trade, really. With his grandfather, dad and several uncles trained as plumbers, he started out plumbing at three or four years old. Riding in the truck with his dad, making putty snakes, hauling garbage to playing gopher boy. That role continued until he finished high school and was accepted to university.
Baker spent a few years there, then switched to obtain a computer science degree. He got married and needed to make some money, took a job as a maintenance man for the several apartment buildings while continuing his schooling. “I actually realized that that all those years working with my Dad, I actually learned a lot and that I loved doing plumbing. I eventually quit computer science, went to trade school, got my ticket in 1997, and have been plumbing ever since.”
Baker owes a lot of his success, in life and in his career, to his father. He spent a lot of time working with him, appreciating what he was teaching him as both a man and a plumber. “Since he’s been gone, in almost every situation I find myself in, I ask myself, how would dad handle this? The end goal really is to leave the same impression on my own children.”
Sadly, Baker lost his Dad to brain cancer in 2006, which was swift and brutal. “Prior to that experience I never really thought about legacy or traditions or even family as in generational stories, so in the midst of dealing with the emotions of loss, pride, sadness and gratitude, I felt the urge to create something meaningful to me, my business and hopefully to my kids,” said Baker.

The Baker Family Crest
Hence, the Baker crest of arms was initiated. The Bakers have a lot of English and Scottish blood and have some prints of family crests dated back to those eras. “I stole some of those ideas and created a few of my own and the response has been exactly what I’d hope for. As for symbols it goes like this: Fire for Heating; Water drop for Plumbing, The Snake head for Drain cleaning; the Winged Foot, because we’re fast; The Skull, because we’re Bakers that are Plumbers till death; and the inscription is: If We Can’t Do It, It Can’t Be Done in Latin. Of course, we have Baker and 1956, which is our beginning.”
For the Love of the Job
For Baker, that’s an easy one. He loves the people he’s met and worked with, and he has created some lifelong friendships with some fantastic people all because they plugged their toilet or their pilot light went out.
“If you’re able to walk into a stressful situation and be calm and reassuring all while actually delivering on the solution, most people consider that heroic. It’s one of the absolute coolest feelings in the world.”
Being an effective problem solver, says Baker, is an addiction, and plumbing and heating provide almost endless opportunities to get that fix. “Over the years I’ve tried really hard to learn and know a person’s name and then use it every time we met—it’s a difference maker. All those piled together have made the plumbing trade for me, more than I had hoped for some 30 years ago.”
Yet, according to Baker, the biggest issue facing the trades is the oldest issue. “Trades in general are thought of as second-tier jobs. Yes, I mean jobs. Nobody outside of the trade thinks of it as a career.”
Just last year Baker went to the local high school to talk to the principal about contributing to trade education. “He took me to the shop class and proudly pointed to the toilet and sink they had set up and said, ‘We got the plumbing side handled.’ Great guy and really good at his job, and I’ve even worked in his home, but plumbing is NOT a toilet and sink.”
The technology that is being developed for plumbing and heating systems will require some of the brightest and motivated minds, says Baker. “The message from us all in trade should be we need you. We need to do a better job at promoting ourselves and not in a selfish way but by being fine, upstanding citizens involved in current affairs, coaching little league teams, being out and about in our communities. As with anything else, the message starts and ends with each of us. The question is what message do we send both in and out of the work vans?”
Social Media—A Game Changer
“Being self-employed with your mentors being your dad and granddad makes for a pretty small circle. While clients and contractors are amazing and great to work with, no one really gets plumbing and its problems like plumbers,” says Baker.
The social channels have brought dozens of plumbers into Baker’s life in the most positive of ways. Other than the salacious DOPE-GATE scandal, Baker can’t think of a single negative interaction online, unless you count the private no-names that try to ignite fires where ever they go.
The summer of 2019, Baker spend a fantastic week in Chicago and was given the first-class treatment and tour by several of the plumbers from the area. While others in his group were hitting tourist traps, Baker was in the heart of Chicago until 2 a.m. experiencing some of the most amazing things.
Baker also went to WWETT in March of 2020 and spent three “unbelievable days visiting with some of coolest plumbers and people I’ve ever met, and all because I post my work on social media. It’s mind blowing,” says Baker
Fitness First
Every tradesperson experiences aches and pain sooner or later, says Baker. Some of those can lead to debilitating injuries if not properly looked after. Having experienced all of them—shoulders, wrists, knees, back, etc.—one in particular in 2015 put Baker out of commission for several weeks. “It was a wake-up call that unless I started really keeping myself healthy, my time in the trade was ending soon. With a family to feed and being self-employed, I needed no further motivation.”

A new chapter — beekeeping
It started out simple with a few back exercises but exercise has grown into something Baker really enjoys. With the onset of COVID, I got serious about the home gym and the Baker Barn was born. “It’s been a life saver, both physically and mentally, to have a place where I can burn some calories and relieve some stress. I generally try and spend 90 minutes per day in the barn, and at 50 years old, I honestly have never felt better. If you’re not working out, then all of the fancy tools in the world won’t work by themselves,” says Baker.
To the Future
According to Baker, for the past 28 years or so there really wasn’t much of a work/leisure balance. Raising five kids was truly a 24-hour endeavor, but Baker has been humbled as his kids have turned into men and women to start their own lives. Both Baker’s boys have chosen the plumbing trade path, and they can now start to take over some of the duties. “My new passion has fallen to bees. This past year was my second full year as a beekeeper and so far it’s been a lot of fun learning something totally new. The hope is to turn bees into the next Baker Empire over the next five years, but I’m just enjoying the nuisances of the new craft,” says Baker.
2020 was a hell of a year. COVID wreaked havoc on a lot of what Baker does. Being mostly hospitality focused proved to be challenging, but Baker has some tremendous relationships with many of his clients, and as he has supported them, they have supported him back. It’s also given the company a chance to zero in on its 3,000 residential clients that use Baker’s services once or twice a year. “With the boys taking a more active role, we’ve been able to provide faster and more efficient service to those sequestered at home. Of course, it’s also provided ample opportunity to reflect on the blessings of being considered essential, and helping those that need some assistance as things appear to get a wee bit darker.”
But as the calendar flips to 2021, Baker expects a banner year. He’s secured some great new contracts, and with the help of his boys, the ability to serve even more continues to grow. “We’re grateful that everyone is healthy and progressing through the challenges that our little moment in history is giving us the opportunity to participate in. We’re optimistic about the future and truly believe that there is no better time to be in the trades. We wish everyone, everywhere all the best in 2021. I’m especially delighted to start the year off by answering these questions and contributing to the foundational work Mechanical Hub provides at no charge. I do mean it: I think you and the team are doing great and important things,” says Baker.
Finally, when asked the last time he said, “today is a great day,” Baker can honestly say that he says that almost daily. “Maybe not in the moment of things going sideways, but the days of discouragement and disappointment are few and far between. I am a blessed man, mostly because I’ve worked hard to be so.”
Whether you’re dealing with a compact hatchback, a luxury sedan, or a full-size twelve wheeler truck, an air conditioning system is a staple across all categories of vehicles. Drivers want efficient and reliable AC for cooling and heating but unfortunately, many of them often use it inadequately, causing dysfunctions and sometimes serious damage which can Read more
Whether you’re dealing with a compact hatchback, a luxury sedan, or a full-size twelve wheeler truck, an air conditioning system is a staple across all categories of vehicles. Drivers want efficient and reliable AC for cooling and heating but unfortunately, many of them often use it inadequately, causing dysfunctions and sometimes serious damage which can jeopardize onboard safety and induce hefty repair costs. In this dedicated guide, we’ll delve into the consequences of poor vehicle HVAC maintenance and provide useful troubleshooting tips.
Improper Cooling
One of the most common effects of inadequate AC maintenance is improper cooling. An onboard air conditioning system that isn’t blowing air as cold as it used to is generally a sign of a malfunctioning or damaged compressor. Whether it’s due to overuse, lack of care, or a simple clog, this vital component is no longer able to regulate the flow of refrigerant in the AC system. This results in the air flowing being warmer but it doesn’t necessarily affect ventilation.
Overheating Engine
Like most elements found inside a vehicle, an HVAC system uses power from the engine. With wear and tear, the compressor’s clutch can start to give out; it can either seize or break, both of which are very problematic. An unmoving clutch will cause unnecessary pressure on the engine, overheating, and early fuel exhaustion. A broken clutch usually requires the entire compressor to be replaced altogether.
Loud Noises
Odd noises from an operating AC unit are a typical sign of poor maintenance. A worn compressor bearing can cause a loud grinding sound to emanate directly from the engine, while other noises from inside the cabin call for a blower fan clean or replacement. This can be particularly bothersome for drivers who spend countless hours on the road. In addition, you’ll want to ensure meticulous and periodic checks are done to increase the longevity of your vehicles.
Foul Odors
Foul odors are another commonly reported onboard HVAC problem. Mold or mildew smells generally indicate a moisture build-up in the air conditioning filters, which can be taken care of with regular disassembly and cleaning. Now, if a pungent smell emanates from the vents, it might be that you’re dealing with a pest infestation or a dead rodent lodged somewhere in the vehicle. In such cases, an air freshener just won’t cut it!
Water Leakage Inside the Cabin
Lastly, because of inadequate maintenance, drivers can come to notice water inside their vehicle cabin. There may be refrigerant flowing through the evaporator, which gets condensed and forms water. When the draining tube that redirects the liquid outside is clogged, this residual water will seep directly into the cabin, causing all sorts of damages to carpets and possibly onboard navigation.
Ultimately, HVAC systems can be just as problematic inside homes as they are in cars or trucks. Because its components are not immediately visible, except for the vents, many drivers will often fail to take care of their onboard AC system properly, resulting in all kinds of setbacks that can hinder comfort and jeopardize the occupants’ safety.

New program empowers HVAC service leaders to implement advanced IAQ solutions for commercial facilities across the nation Lennox International, a global leader in the heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration markets, has announced additional training that will provide contractors with the proper knowledge to help improve indoor air quality (IAQ) through their Building Better Air initiative Read more
New program empowers HVAC service leaders to implement advanced IAQ solutions for commercial facilities across the nation
Lennox International, a global leader in the heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration markets, has announced additional training that will provide contractors with the proper knowledge to help improve indoor air quality (IAQ) through their Building Better Air initiative.
The Building Better Air training program provides a structure to improve indoor air quality of commercial spaces through the Evaluate, Solve, Maintain framework. Contractors trained through the program will have key information to explain how HVAC systems impact IAQ and offer the right solutions for their clients.
“Contractors are seeing an increased demand for IAQ solutions recently with the second wave of COVID-19,” said Elliot Zimmer, president and Chief Operating Officer of Lennox Commercial. “Our training program will help provide contractors with the support system they need to assess equipment and make a proper recommendation to better improve IAQ for their customers’ facilities.
“Our strong partnership with our Lennox Commercial Alliance Contractor network gives us a unique ability to help buildings improve their indoor air quality and get back to business safely.”
In October, Lennox introduced the Building Better Air initiative, which helps facilities evaluate the state of their HVAC systems by using an IAQ survey and creates solutions tailored to the needs of the building. The training program is an additional step to further Lennox’s goal to create safe working environments for restaurants, movie theaters, schools, offices and similar facilities.
“Our goal is to help businesses return to a normal routine safely, and improved indoor air quality is a great start,” said Bobby DiFulgentiz, vice president of product management and marketing. “If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it has shown just how important HVAC is in our everyday life. We are focusing our efforts on spreading the knowledge we have on air purification, ventilation, and humidity control so that our customers have access to the right solutions to safely return to business.”
For more information about the Building Better Air initiative or to find a qualified contractor in your area, visit