management software

The No. 1 price generating software company helps owners sharpen business practices with proven strategies at annual event The New Flat Rate, the No. 1 price generating software for home service contractors, is hitting the ground running as it gears up for the fourth annual Business Uncensored conference in Atlanta. The two-and-a-half-day event will take Read more

The No. 1 price generating software company helps owners sharpen business practices with proven strategies at annual event

The New Flat Rate, the No. 1 price generating software for home service contractors, is hitting the ground running as it gears up for the fourth annual Business Uncensored conference in Atlanta. The two-and-a-half-day event will take place at the Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center, Oct. 3-5.

The New Flat Rate is hitting the ground running as it gears up for the fourth annual Business Uncensored conference in Atlanta.

This high-level business conference will provide home service business owners and their implementers with proven strategies to help them prepare for the future. This year’s theme of “Back to the Future” places an emphasis on positioning each company in attendance for growth at hyper speed. With over 16 sessions, contractors will have an opportunity for extensive training on a multitude of topics to help positively impact the future of their business.

“Regardless of the size of your business, Business Uncensored is a resource where you can interact with other contractors in a non-competitive environment and build systems to help your business evolve and grow.,” said Rodney Koop, founder and CEO of The New Flat Rate. “This is more than just your everyday conference. Business Uncensored is geared toward providing you with proven solutions that ultimately unleash their full potential while building connections with like-minded individuals.”

Over the course of the conference, attendees will participate in several sessions that provide valuable lessons on a variety of topics that play major roles in a business’ success. From personal communication strategies to closing the sale, participants will be able to obtain beneficial knowledge that can help them develop a competitive advantage in their service areas.

“Setting your company up for success by establishing a detailed, rock-solid plan is vital for any business, and Business Uncensored helps you accomplish this in an environment with other contractors looking to accomplish the same goal,” said Danielle Putnam, president of The New Flat Rate. “We are here to help business owners develop new game-changing strategies they can take home and implement within their own companies. Just as The New Flat Rate is more than a menu-pricing company, your company can be more than a service provider. It can be a vehicle that empowers employees and customers to achieve success while pushing the company to new levels and a better future.”

Speakers from The New Flat Rate include Putnam, Rodney Koop and Matt Koop. The keynote speaker for Business Uncensored will be business coach, author and host of the Profit Toolbelt podcast Dominic Rubino. Rubino has grown businesses from $1 million up to $120 million. A serial entrepreneur, he has built and sold two different multi-national companies since 2000. He is also the author of “Construction Millionaire Secrets: How to Build a Million or Multimillion-dollar Contracting Business the Smart Way.”

For more information or to sign up for Business Uncensored, please visit

For more information about The New Flat Rate, please visit

Starting a business could be an exciting venture, especially if you decide to join the plumbing business, whether you’re a commercial, residential, or industrial. Unfortunately, many people think that running a plumbing business is difficult, but this is not true.  You will be able to handle the work of the plumbing business by yourself, and Read more

Starting a business could be an exciting venture, especially if you decide to join the plumbing business, whether you’re a commercial, residential, or industrial. Unfortunately, many people think that running a plumbing business is difficult, but this is not true. 

You will be able to handle the work of the plumbing business by yourself, and this can be rewarding on its own. In addition, running your own plumbing business will allow you to make your mark on the world and create something for yourself. To do this, ensuring that you have the right tools that can help you to manage your business could make or break your business. 

Here are a few tips to help manage your plumbing business: 

Invest In Management Software

If you decide to make plumbing your career, you will need to invest in equipment and tools to help your business run smoothly. For instance, some businesses invest in cheap vps hosting services to help protect their business. Another of these investments should be updated management software for your plumbing business.

This software will keep track of all the updates for any pertinent equipment and provide you with any technical or safety information that may affect your business or its employees. 

Ensure You Train Your Workers 

A plumbing business will need to ensure that its employees are up to date with the industry’s latest trends, methods, and tools. Training is crucial to ensure that they can keep up to date with the latest changes and provide good service.

The knowledge and skills of a plumber can easily become outdated due to new innovations in the industry. As such, you should ensure that your employees are trained and updated on what’s happening in your industry to make sure they can do their job well.

Ensure You Keep up With Your Marketing 

Marketing is an important part of any business. No matter how good your product or service is, you can’t sell it if people don’t know about it. And that’s where marketing comes in. You need to tell people about your product or service, and then you need to convince them why they should buy it from you instead of their competitor.

You can use some traditional marketing methods like print catalogs, TV commercials, radio spots, billboards, or flyers to get the word out about your company and what you offer. But there are also some newer ways to promote your company like SEO (search engine optimization) and content marketing on social media sites like Reddit and Facebook.

Ensure That You Keep on Top of Your workload

Keeping on top of the workload for your plumbing business is one of the most important things that you can do to make sure that everything runs smoothly. Unfortunately, the workload can get heavy, and it is easy to become overbooked.

For many businesses, it is easy to focus on what you are doing now and not think about what will happen in the future. This often results in an overworked staff and unhappy customers because things are not getting done properly.

You should always be thinking about how to avoid this problem by keeping up with your workload for your plumbing business. That’s where management software can help.