
When you’re a professional plumber, making a mistake can cost your reputation, not to mention your customers’ homes, dearly, so it is important you do everything you can to avoid those common errors that can spell disaster.  In order to do that, let’s look at some common mistakes plumbers make, so you can hopefully avoid Read more

When you’re a professional plumber, making a mistake can cost your reputation, not to mention your customers’ homes, dearly, so it is important you do everything you can to avoid those common errors that can spell disaster. 

In order to do that, let’s look at some common mistakes plumbers make, so you can hopefully avoid them in your working life.

  1. Ignoring the Almighty Pressure Washer

First off, let’s give a big shoutout to pressure washing equipment, which is, as you should know, not just for cleaning driveways or graffiti off walls. No, dear friends, it’s also a pipeline’s best buddy. When faced with the Herculean task of clearing out years of sludge and grime from sewer lines, the pressure washer steps in like a hero. So, don’t ignore this powerhouse tool. Embrace it, cherish it, and for heaven’s sake, use it—because nobody likes a comeback story starring last year’s grease.

  1. Skipping the Double-Check

Here’s a scene: You finish a job, pack up, and give a confident nod to your work—only to get a call hours later about a leak. The culprit? A connection you forgot to tighten. Always double-check your work. The five minutes you save by rushing off to your next appointment can cost you hours of return work and buckets of reputation points.

  1. Tool Mismanagement

Raise your hand if you’ve ever used a screwdriver as a chisel. It’s okay, this is a safe space. But let’s be real: using tools for purposes they weren’t intended for is like using a loaf of bread as a doorstop—it might work temporarily, but it’s not a great idea. Respect your tools, and they’ll respect you back (and maybe save you from a mid-job meltdown).

  1. The ‘Eyeball It’ Method

Precision in measurements is not just a fancy concept—it’s a cornerstone of good plumbing. “Eyeballing” pipe cuts or fixture alignments can lead to jobs that look more like abstract art than professional work. Always use the right measuring tools because, unlike horseshoes and hand grenades, close enough just doesn’t cut it in plumbing.

  1. Forgetting Customer Service Skills

Remember, folks, plumbing isn’t just about pipes; it’s about people. The gruff, silent type might work for movie cowboys, but in the plumbing world, communication is key. Don’t just fix and flee. Explain what went wrong, what you did to fix it, and how it can be prevented in the future. A little chat can turn a customer into a repeat customer.

  1. Neglecting Continuing Education

Plumbing technology evolves faster than many of us realize. If you’re still relying on techniques you learned decades ago, you might be missing out on easier, more efficient methods that could save your back and your bottom line. Keep up with the times and invest in ongoing education. It’ll keep you sharp and possibly introduce you to new gadgets and gizmos in the industry.

  1. Underestimating the Cleanup

Last but not least, leaving a work site looking like a crime scene is a big no-no. A clean work area not only shows professionalism but also prevents those pesky “you left a mess” calls. Plus, who doesn’t love the sight of a spotless space post-job? It’s almost as satisfying as popping bubble wrap.

Keep these tips in mind, and not only will your pipes be flowing smoothly, but so will your business.

Training in 2024 is just as important as ever. How do you integrate training, education and continued learning with today’s busy contractor? Power Points, sales pitches and doughnuts. Tried and true methods of training gone by, that’s for sure. But what does today’s training look like, especially in the purview of the younger generation of Read more

Training in 2024 is just as important as ever. How do you integrate training, education and continued learning with today’s busy contractor?

Power Points, sales pitches and doughnuts. Tried and true methods of training gone by, that’s for sure. But what does today’s training look like, especially in the purview of the younger generation of contractors that digests information in 90 seconds or less?

“What was that? Sorry, I was looking at my phone,” jokes Max Rohr, Director, Education and Technical Marketing, Caleffi. “Five years ago, a three-minute-long video was a good option, now it will seem long if it is over that 90-second threshold. Ideally, you get to the point in the first five seconds and work the explanation back from there. Like showing the cake and then going back to bowls of ingredients.”

According to, Dave Holdorf, Residential Trainer & Rep Training Manager—Eastern Region, Taco Comfort Solutions, it’s a challenge. “We’ve found that it helps to bring different instructors in for specific segments of the training. Each instructor brings their own perspective; even hearing a different voice in the room makes for a more compelling presentation. Every facet of our training is now geared to maintain the attention of participants. We also make sure to schedule breaks so that the attendees can attend to business, or need at home. By creating the curriculum with attendees in mind, their focus remains with the topic in front of them.”

Nevertheless, the training department at Taco has always looked at training not from a product view but from an application perspective, giving attendees the information they need to do their job better, and to give their customers the comfort they deserve. “We use real world experiences to solve real world problems with personal experiences and a bit of humor—as you know, John, it ain’t worth doing if you’re not having fun as well,” says Holdorf.

Taco Comfort Solutions, training, Caleffi, continuing education, education, plumbing, HVAC, hydronics, learning

Caleffi’s Bob “Hot Rod” Rohr brings his props and his wealth of experience and knowledge to trainings.

But what about those PowerPoints and doughnuts? “Every learning style is different, so you have to be adaptable. If you see the audience tuning out a PowerPoint, stop and grab a product to bring to an attendee and talk about a case study that is related instead,” says Rohr.

In addition, everything falls apart for a trainer if the audience gets the impression they are overpromising, adds Rohr. For example, “Honesty is something Hot Rod is specifically good at in contractor training sessions. As a former installer, he always has tips for getting the job done and workarounds that are really tangible,” says Rohr.

The New Normal?

The Covid pandemic saw what we thought was going to be a new normal with virtual training, but what we are now seeing is the importance, and return, of in-person training.

This past year Taco saw a huge jump of in-person training, on the road as well as at Taco HQ in Rhode Island. So much so that the company had to dramatically increase the number of sessions back in Rhode Island to accommodate. “However, that does not mean to diminish the virtual training, Taco Tuesday and Taco After Dark webinars are still posting a large number of attendees that are hungry for information in bite size chunks, not as large as when we all locked down at home, but still popular,” says Holdorf.

Taco’s Holdorf conducts a training at the Cranston, R.I. HQ.

Nonetheless, “when we’re online, we know it’s so easy to stray off to the next shiny thing online, so to keep attendees engaged, we encourage two-way communications. If participants have questions, we want them to ask immediately,” continues Holdorf.

In fact, Holdorf says that people who attend Taco’s webinars typically take it to the next level and seek live training. A combination of both virtual and live training can help attendees dial in on what they want to learn—or perhaps didn’t initially develop a full understanding of what it is they most needed to know. “These options allow them to fine-tune their training experience to make them as good as they want to be. And, ideally, we help them raise the bar. We routinely heard from trade pros who came to us for a better understanding of a single application or concept, and through that experience come away with an energized desire for much more,” says Holdorf.


In 2023, Caleffi performed almost a 50/50 mix of in-person and virtual. Contractors like hands-on training, says Rohr, so it is good to be back on job sites for that type of interaction. And, engineers didn’t all go back to the office after COVID. “Many of the engineering sessions we do are virtual because that firm may be scattered all over the region. You might catch 20 people in a virtual training, where only 10 of them are in the office that day,” says Rohr.


What about those who are stubborn enough to think that they don’t need further education and training? “I love this question and see and hear it often in the industry,” says Ken Midgett, L.M.P, Plumbing, Marketing Director, Interplay Learning, and former Teacher and Apprenticeship Instructor, Lehigh Career & Technical Institute.

Those in skilled trades should embrace the concept of being “lifelong learners,” consistently expanding their knowledge in their current specialty and exploring related disciplines. Whether licensed or not, individuals in skilled trades should assess their goals, career paths and professional growth within their field. It’s common for some to reach a point where they feel adequately skilled and think further education is unnecessary. According to Midgett, this assumption is misleading for several reasons:

• For example, a residential plumber could benefit from learning about commercial plumbing, Med Gas, Backflow, Water Well work, Water Conditioning, HVAC, Electrical, etc. Diversifying skills not only enhances one’s expertise but also increases their marketability across various skill sets, intern boosting income and long-term employability.

• Despite advancements in safety measures within the construction industry, the misconception that skilled trades workers are immune to injuries persists. While the overall safety landscape has improved, life-changing injuries can still occur. In such unfortunate instances, if an individual can only rely on skills specific to their trade and lacks versatility, their career may face irreparable damage. Therefore, investing in ongoing training, education, and professional development becomes crucial for ensuring resilience in the workforce and mitigating the impact of unforeseen challenges. Repurposing skillsets may be challenging when there has been no prior skill or professional development planning before the injury event.

• The industry, codes, tools, and methods to do a task are constantly changing. Skilled trades workers need to educate themselves and stay on top of new developments. This is critical to the success of a technician and company.

In the end, it’s what ends up in the ol’ noggin as useful information that translates to the jobsite. “Students only retain a tiny amount of the information that you present to them, but they will remember their feelings about the trainer for a very long time,” says Rohr. “It is hard to know if a bigger win is when customers retain a piece of information you presented or if they remember that you seem like you know what you are talking about. “If they trust that you did a good job, that memory will stay with them for a career, potentially.”

Tacoma plumbing service provider advocates transformational thinking about trades while building next-generation workforce with immersive Harts Academy initiative Harts Services, a top-rated Tacoma-based plumbing company founded in 2013, urges jobseekers to consider the many rewarding, high-paying career opportunities available in the essential skilled trades. “Whether you’re just entering the workforce or you’re frustrated in your Read more

Tacoma plumbing service provider advocates transformational thinking about trades while building next-generation workforce with immersive Harts Academy initiative

Harts Services, a top-rated Tacoma-based plumbing company founded in 2013, urges jobseekers to consider the many rewarding, high-paying career opportunities available in the essential skilled trades.

“Whether you’re just entering the workforce or you’re frustrated in your current job and want to make a mid-career change, we encourage everyone to think about the trades as a meaningful alternative to the traditional career path,” said Rich Hart, co-owner of Harts Services. “Many of us have been taught that attending a four-year college is the only way to have a successful and satisfying career. But we’re starting to see that college doesn’t necessarily pay off for everyone. That’s leading a lot of young people to look for other options.”

Harts Services, a top-rated Tacoma-based plumbing company, supports jobseekers considering a rewarding, high-paying career in the essential skilled trades with its innovative Harts Academy in-house training program.

As the cost of a college education continues to rise, the long-term financial value of a four-year degree is steadily declining. At the same time, an ongoing shortage of skilled labor is driving up demand for trained workers in home service industries such as plumbing, electrical and HVAC. Experienced technicians in those fields are highly employable and can demand premium salaries as well as signing bonuses, paid training and opportunities for rapid advancement.

“Instead of treating trades as a fallback, we want people entering the trades to be energetic and enthusiastic,” Hart said. “Being a plumber or electrician requires training, focus, problem-solving and people skills, just like any other profession. It’s a dynamic and engaging field with a lot of upside, especially in today’s labor market.”

In 2022, Harts Services launched Harts Academy, an innovative in-house apprenticeship program that prepares motivated trainees for immediate employment.

The Harts Academy program includes four weeks of comprehensive classroom education and immersive hands-on experience in the Harts Academy plumbing platform. Classroom sessions are followed by two to three years of supervised field training with licensed plumbers, with pay raises to match experience, testing and skill level. Harts Academy also provides preparation assistance for the plumber licensing exam.

“We created Harts Academy to help meet the needs of our industry overall and transform how younger generations think about the trades,” Hart said. “We’re investing in the creation of a truly trained and expert team not only here at Harts but throughout the Pacific Northwest. It’s part of a major disruption that we expect to unlock new opportunities for young people, drive economic growth and ensure that homeowners have access to the services they need.”

Harts Academy apprentices support plumbing leads in the warehouse and on jobsites while actively learning core skills. A valid driver’s license and clean driving record are required. Apprentices must be able to lift up to 50 pounds and are expected to work in crawlspaces, operate machinery, climb ladders and stairs, and other physical work in the warehouse and on jobsites.

For more information about Harts Services, please call (253) 470-8766 or visit

For more information about Harts Academy or to apply, visit

The premier business training and coaching provider for the HVAC industry announces the return of the ongoing development program for distribution, designed to enhance territory sales and strategic growth Business Development Resources (BDR), the training and business coaching authority for home services industry professionals, announces its 2024 program for Trailblazer Sales Academy, an ongoing online training program Read more

The premier business training and coaching provider for the HVAC industry announces the return of the ongoing development program for distribution, designed to enhance territory sales and strategic growth

Business Development Resources (BDR), the training and business coaching authority for home services industry professionals, announces its 2024 program for Trailblazer Sales Academy, an ongoing online training program for territory managers and distribution sales team members that focuses on developing sales skills, leadership agility and a strategic vision for territory growth.

Business Development Resources (BDR) announces its 2024 program for Trailblazer Sales Academy, an ongoing online training program for territory managers and distribution sales team members that focuses on developing sales skills, leadership agility and a strategic vision for territory growth.

Trailblazer Sales Academy features four live virtual workshops from January through May to help participants start the 2024 year strong in essential areas for HVAC territory managers and outside sales representatives. These four-hour training sessions provide participants with the opportunity to learn the best practices of top-performing territory managers, with topics including:

  • Jan. 4: Drive sales and help dealers win in the first quarter
  • Feb. 13: Build your strategic sales call process
  • April 2: Find the right dealer through targeted prospecting
  • May 23: Help dealers install more jobs through labor leverage

“Trailblazer Sales Academy is an opportunity for territory managers to forge a sales path and reap the rewards of their dream territory,” said Sr. Vice President of Training and Marketing Matt MacArthur. “The program empowers members to enhance their business acumen and build a plan while developing their skills in key areas. At the end of the training, participants can implement new processes to drive immediate growth and long-term strategies for taking ownership of their sales areas.”

The academy also includes targeted podcasts and self-paced courses to help participants continue to develop their skills and make the most of the program.

Membership in Trailblazer Sales Academy is limited to just 50 participants in 2024. Discover more and register at

Relaunched training programs include guidance on new residential and commercial heat pump equipment, electrification and low-GWP refrigerants Course fees have been reduced, and in-person and remote options expand access for contractors New, immersive online training programs now available for new contractor certification Johnson Controls, the global leader for smart, healthy and sustainable buildings, announces the Read more

  • Relaunched training programs include guidance on new residential and commercial heat pump equipment, electrification and low-GWP refrigerants

  • Course fees have been reduced, and in-person and remote options expand access for contractors

  • New, immersive online training programs now available for new contractor certification

Johnson Controls, the global leader for smart, healthy and sustainable buildings, announces the launch of its new 2024 Ducted Systems Academy training opportunities and industry resources. The industry-leading programs feature a combination of hands-on experiences, virtual resources, and on-demand and in-person courses at the state-of-the art Ducted Systems Academy in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. All resources are developed by experienced industry experts and designed to help residential and commercial contractors build knowledge on important topics including new residential and commercial heat pump equipment, electrification and low-global warming potential (low-GWP) refrigerants.

“Our industry is in a state of rapid transformation with several major regulations going into effect, and contractors need up-to-date information to meet these evolving demands,” said Christyn Mueller, manager of commercial learning, Johnson Controls. “Our goal has always been to serve the industry as a resource. We’ve designed our newest training programs for the year ahead to focus on accessibility and affordability so more contractors can get the information they need to be successful and better serve their customers.”

Relaunched in-person training center

Fast advancements in technology and evolving regulations have created a need for contractors to build on their existing knowledge. The Johnson Controls Ducted Systems Academy provides an opportunity for contractors to gain hands-on experience with new equipment, including the latest commercial and residential heat pumps and low-GWP refrigerant systems. The 2024 program offers 40 courses that range from commercial start-up and commissioning to product essentials and customer service training.

To make these programs more widely accessible, Johnson Controls has reduced course fees and is offering train-the-trainer options for some residential technical courses to enable a single contractor to complete the in-person training and recreate the experience at their own location. Additionally, tuition offset programs are available based on partnership program levels.

“We have a trade that demands correct answers the first time,” said Stephen Love, technical service manager, Johnstone Supply. “The partnership between Johnson Controls and Johnstone Supply allows us the ability to have great technical training resources. In turn, it allows our participants to learn, practice, and perfect their trade at the Johnson Controls Ducted Systems Academy.”

One-Minute Expert program

Available within the Ducted Systems Solutions App, One-Minute Expert is a group of tools that provides instant access to quick reference guides, approximately 100 videos and customer-facing resources on one easy-to-use platform. The program is free and designed to provide valuable insights on important topics such as low-GWP refrigerants, new equipment installation, electrification, and heat pump knowledge – all within a new, time-saving format. New resources are being added monthly.

Tech Foundry courses

In response to the industry’s workforce development needs, Johnson Controls has relaunched its proven Tech Foundry, an immersive residential and commercial contractor training program in a hybrid format designed to fit within busy schedules. The 10-week course integrates remote and live learning with mentor support and peer interaction to review topics such as: refrigeration systems and compressors, tubing and piping, ventilation systems, and heating and cooling loads. A network of local labs is utilized throughout the online session to provide weekly hands-on experiences, and the program culminates with a 3-day hands-on immersion conducted in-person at the Johnson Controls Ducted Systems Academy.

Virtual courses and recertification

For contractors unable to attend in-person trainings, a series of webinars will be introduced in 2024 that include new product introductions, competitive differentiation, sales skills and low-GWP refrigerants. Additionally, virtual recertification options are available to individuals who have previously received in-person startup and commissioning certification.

For more information about the Johnson Controls Ducted Systems Academy and to preview the 2024 course catalog, please visit