
When he’s not competing in his bowling leagues, or spending time with his family, you can find Trey Young on Instagram @iplumbit documenting his residential plumbing work in new construction. And his Instagram success is not only in the work he shows off, but I have to think that it’s in the music he selects Read more

Trey Young, iplumbit, residential plumbing, plumbing, Plumbing Plus, Matt Baese, Eric Pruitt, St. Louis, trades, support the tradesWhen he’s not competing in his bowling leagues, or spending time with his family, you can find Trey Young on Instagram @iplumbit documenting his residential plumbing work in new construction.

And his Instagram success is not only in the work he shows off, but I have to think that it’s in the music he selects to accompany the posts. ”Some songs I pick for videos may be ‘trending’ sounds or songs on Instagram at the time, but most of the music comes from my personal catalog,” says Young. “I like to believe I have a good ear for music that adds something to the project I’m showing off.”

The Beginning

Young got his first taste of plumbing working for Plumbing Plus, St. Louis, during summer break of senior year of high school. “Plumbing Plus was performing a sewer repair for a rental property for one of my parents, so I approached owner Matt Baese and asked if they needed any help, and the rest was history,” says Young.

After a short stint in college for website development, Young started working for Plumbing Plus full time a few years after high school as a laborer, and earned an apprenticeship shortly after. “I dabbled in website development for a bit, and it just wasn’t paying what plumbing was paying, even at senior levels,” recalls Young.

After three to four years working side by side with master plumber Eric Pruitt, “I began working solo and eventually created an Instagram to document my work,” says Young.

Hard Work Pays

According to Young, both Baese and Pruitt have shown tremendous patience with him during his rookie years, imparting invaluable information to be proficient as a plumber. Moreover, “I consider myself an advocate for the trade, imparting need-to-know information to assist others in making an informed decision on whether the path of plumbing will best suit them,” says Young.

Trey Young, iplumbit, residential plumbing, plumbing, Plumbing Plus, Matt Baese, Eric Pruitt, St. Louis, trades, support the tradesYet, there is a misconception that trade work is repetitive, unforgiving manual labor for a meager salary. This misconception starts early with most kids, says Young, reinforced through unrealistic depictions on TV shows, movies and cartoons, etc. “It’s always been my opinion that the industry should focus on more outreach programs directed toward elementary school as much, if not more, than high schools to combat that misconception early,” says Young.

Work ethic is key to the trades, with traits such as dedication, integrity, punctuality and a willingness to learn mandatory. “’Hard work pays off’ may be a tad cliché in the year 2023, but it has always been the best intro to anyone considering a career in the trades,” says Young.

From a hornet’s nest inside a rehab home the size of a large yoga ball, to spiders the size of a small hand, “I’ve run across some pretty wild jobs,” says Young. But Young says he enjoys plumbing so much—being in different sites working on different jobs every single day. “Whereas with a corporate job, you are in the same cubicle, drinking the same cup of coffee, looking at the same computer, day in day out,” emphasizes Young.

Moreover, “the best reward is completing a job beyond expectations and bringing visible relief and or joy to someone who has been dealing a major plumbing issue for days, if not weeks.

Getting Connected

Social media, and Instagram in particular, has helped Young become a more versed plumber by introducing him to new products, tools and methods. “I’ve also had the opportunity to virtually meet hundreds of like-minded tradesmen, some even in person through company ambassador programs or people recognizing me at the local plumbing supply house,” says Young.

The Next Step

How does Young balance his quest for the ever-elusive perfect 300, family time and work? “Unfortunately, I find myself asking the same question because work takes up the majority of my time lately. After recently earning his Journeyman’s License, “setting the groundwork to eventually venture off on my own demands most of my leisure time,” says Young.

While he’s not busy with his day job working on hydronic heating systems, commercial and residential plumbing, backflow prevention and gas work, Chris Massaro (@nwo_plumber) loves playing guitar and recording music. Admiring the recent tattoo to commemorate his daughter’s birth, “I was in a bunch of bands throughout high school and recorded an album once Read more

Chris Massaro, Aqua North Plumbing and Heating Ltd., plumbing, heating, hydronics, boilers, HVAC, support the trades, tradesWhile he’s not busy with his day job working on hydronic heating systems, commercial and residential plumbing, backflow prevention and gas work, Chris Massaro (@nwo_plumber) loves playing guitar and recording music. Admiring the recent tattoo to commemorate his daughter’s birth, “I was in a bunch of bands throughout high school and recorded an album once. I don’t get around to it as much as I used to or like to, but I’m definitely making more time for that now,” says Massaro, owner/lead tech at Aqua North Plumbing and Heating Ltd., Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.


I take that back. Massaro also enjoys hanging out with friends and family, golfing and mountain biking. And, he definitely needs to get that grill time in—grill, smoke, BBQ. “Sometimes in that order, in one cook. Most of the time I do use the smoker though. I’ve been on a pulled pork kick lately. My favorite is some nice pork shoulders on the Traeger. It’s the ultimate dad activity, in my opinion,” says Massaro.

The work\life balance has been a struggle for Massaro; he realized one day that when you are running your own small business sometimes there isn’t a balance. You have to make the time and prioritize it. “Do what’s important to you and make time for the people and activities you love. And most importantly, take care of yourself! Because you’re worth it. Time stands still for no one so spend it wisely,” says Massaro.

Chris Massaro, Aqua North Plumbing and Heating Ltd., plumbing, heating, hydronics, boilers, HVAC, support the trades, tradesAnd that’s why staying physically fit and active is important to Massaro. “I’m always lifting, bending, up and down the stairs all day so it’s helpful to have a training regimen that supports that. And, it really helps to keep me in mental shape as well,” say Massaro.

Even more important is eating right, says Massaro. “We use a lot of energy in a day in the trades so we have to keep that fire fed. All of this allows me to stay energized all day and still have plenty of gas in the tank when I get home for family time,” continues Massaro.

Massaro’s foray into the trades started when he starting working for the family business as a plumbing apprentice at the age of 13. “Made best friends with my shovel and we went to work. Thankfully, I graduated from digging trenches and went on to start really learning about the ins and outs of the trade,” recalls Massaro.

Over the next few years, Massaro spent most days plumbing residential systems with a few commercial jobs sprinkled in here and there while working for my father. “It was nice to be doing a bit of everything and not just strictly one area of the trade, which I felt was important to be a well-rounded tech.

Once Massaro had a few years under his belt, he did a lot of remote northern work for fly-in communities. “Those big jobs we did up there really sharpened my time and material management skills,” says Massaro.

Chris Massaro, Aqua North Plumbing and Heating Ltd., plumbing, heating, hydronics, boilers, HVAC, support the trades, tradesIn addition, the high school Massaro attended offered a cooperative education program where he was able to gain work experience hours toward his apprenticeship if he chose to stick with plumbing. “I would go to regular classes for the morning periods then co-op at Aqua North in the afternoon,” says Massaro.

As a side note, Massaro says that if your local high school offers a cooperative education program, he highly recommends getting involved. “It’s a really pressure-free way to get your feet wet in whatever trades the school offers,” says Massaro. “I always try to take on one co-op student per year and leave them with a positive experience in the trade. I feel that’s the best way for kids to feel out what they want to do. And, don’t be afraid to ask questions!”

Next, after getting all of his trade school and work hours complete, Massaro then wrote his exam for his certificate of qualification in plumbing. Shortly thereafter, Massaro bought the family business, and the rest is history.

Chris Massaro, Aqua North Plumbing and Heating Ltd., plumbing, heating, hydronics, boilers, HVAC, support the trades, tradesAs fourth-generation plumber, Massaro has had some great mentors in his career, with plenty of help and guidance from his father and grandfather in learning new and old ways of plumbing. “If my great grandfather was around then I’m sure he would have some real old school stuff to show me.”

And while Massaro doesn’t consider himself a role model, he’s always willing and ready to help others to do their best at work, and life in general. “I’ve learned a lot over the years and sharing the experiences and knowledge with up-and-coming tradespeople is paramount,” says Massaro.

For Massaro, he loves building something from nothing and executing the job. “Sometimes just sitting back after the job is done and being like ‘damn we really did that.’”

Perception Change

The perception of the industry needs to change, says Massaro. “I think the wheels are turning on that as we speak but we’ve got a long way to go.”

Chris Massaro, Aqua North Plumbing and Heating Ltd., plumbing, heating, hydronics, boilers, HVAC, support the trades, tradesSocial media is that vehicle for the instrument of change as it’s an easy way to showcase contractor work, and connect with other professionals. “There’s a solid amount of tradespeople out there doing an amazing job. If we can show people that there’s more to plumbing than just plunging toilets, fixing leaks, and back-breaking work, then I think that’s a win,” says Massaro.

Whether it’s new and better tools, techniques, business knowledge, etc., Massaro has learned so much on social media. “It’s awesome that we can connect with people and have such a great community sharing tricks of the trade, meet-ups or even debate if it’s tape then dope—which it is—or dope then tape,” says Massaro.

In the end, as Massaro sets his sights on his career and further enriching his life, a good bucket list item to check off would be getting a recreational pilot’s license. “Always wanted to get into aviation in some way.”

The sky’s the limit.

Welcome to another edition of our Hub Spotlight series where do a deep dive into the men and women who make the trades great. This spotlighted tradesperson tells us that he really enjoys trashy reality TV. “Nothing like kicking your feet up and watching someone making horrible life decisions on 90-Day Fiancé on a Sunday Read more

Welcome to another edition of our Hub Spotlight series where do a deep dive into the men and women who make the trades great. This spotlighted tradesperson tells us that he really enjoys trashy reality TV. “Nothing like kicking your feet up and watching someone making horrible life decisions on 90-Day Fiancé on a Sunday evening.” Joking aside, for Keith McGillivary (@mps_207)—full-time business owner of McGillivary’s Plumbing Services (MPS), Gardiner, Maine, for the past two years—his story into the plumbing trades is an interesting one.

Keith McGillivary, MPS Plumbing Services, plumbing, heating, piping, HVAC, trades, Hub Spotlight, skilled trades

McGilivary’s path started in a small town when a small plumbing business was looking for a helper, and he was looking for a job. “Little did I know it would be the start of where I am now,” says McGillivary. Before college, McGillivary started working for a small plumbing business that primarily focused on service work. The owner, Russell, was/is a great mentor and really took the time to help him understand not only what they were doing, but why they were doing it.

Keith McGillivary, MPS Plumbing Services, plumbing, heating, piping, HVAC, trades, Hub Spotlight, skilled tradesAfter deciding to pursue plumbing, McGillivary attended Southern Maine Community College (SMCC) for its plumbing and heating program. Through college, he continued to work alongside his mentor, and after graduation, continued to work for him full time for three years. McGillivary then took a job at Bath Iron Works (BIW) as a pipefitter building destroyers, ships for the United States Navy. “The piping systems were complex, and although it was “plumbing on a ship,” it was completely different. I found it fun to learn the ins and outs of that particular plumbing,” says McGillivary.

Eventually, McGillivary joined the Pipefitter Test Crew and tested the piping systems after they were built. He worked there for six years, but the whole time he continued to work nights and weekends doing plumbing work on the side. “This allowed me to gain hours and knowledge for my Master’s test. After passing my Masters, I decided to make the plunge into self-employment because I wanted the schedule flexibility for my family,” says McGillivary.

Keith McGillivary, MPS Plumbing Services, plumbing, heating, piping, HVAC, trades, Hub Spotlight, skilled tradesIn fact, McGillivary’s biggest motivation for self-employment was time, rather than money. “I have learned to set firm boundaries for myself when scheduling and taking on jobs. I have been able to take more time off for my family than ever. Being a service plumber, in this day in age, you could work 24/7 if you wanted. I try to work ‘normal’ hours, and if I can take a day off for family stuff, I always do,” says McGillivary.

Shout Out to Mentorship

Keith McGillivary, MPS Plumbing Services, plumbing, heating, piping, HVAC, trades, Hub Spotlight, skilled tradesAccording to McGillivary, Russell taught him everything he knows about plumbing and owning a business. “He taught me all the hands-on work, how to write estimates & bid on jobs, customer relations, and how to balance a small business/family life,” says McGillivary.

And McGillivary wants to pay it forward. “I definitely consider myself a role model for others looking to join the trade. I feel I am a good example that hard work and dedication pays off,” says McGillivary. “My mentor was so important to my journey that I try to give back what I can by being transparent about my plumbing knowledge.”

Uplifting the Trades

Recently, there has been a big push for kids to attend trade school so there has been a shift in younger people showing interest, says McGillivary. “Trade school was beneficial for me to learn the code side of things, in an environment different from the hands-on work. I think we could get more interest in the trades if the schools showcased all the different avenues someone could go once they completed their schooling, and the financial opportunities that come with them. Everyone expects a doctor to make six figures, but not everyone knows you can make that in the trades without massive student loan debt,” says McGillivary.

“Everyone expects a doctor to make six figures, but not everyone knows you can make that in the trades without massive student loan debt.”

Social media can also be used to attract more people to the trades. “I see it all too often when guys in the trade are way too harsh on people for asking questions on Facebook plumbing pages. There are so many people asking questions for the purpose of learning and gaining knowledge. We were all there at some point, so be kind enough to answer the questions in a helpful manner. Social media can also be used to form “new-to-the-trades” communities and to provide seminars,” says McGillivary.

Keith McGillivary, MPS Plumbing Services, plumbing, heating, piping, HVAC, trades, Hub Spotlight, skilled tradesSocial media also has played a huge role in the growth of McGillivary’s business. Starting as a small, part-time business with the help of word-of-mouth recommendations on small town Facebook pages, which made McGillivary realize that social media could be used to showcase the work he is doing on a day-to-day basis. “I use my Instagram to show what I am about as a business and the work I put out. I have found that if a customer can see why you are more expensive than the other guy, then they are more likely to go with you. I use it as an open-door insight to my business both in reels and daily stories,” says McGillivary.

McGillivary uses social media to learn little tricks of the trade that he just wouldn’t have been exposed to, being from such a small town. For McGillivary, it is extremely beneficial to be able to have conversations with such great tradesmen. He also talks to apprentices daily or weekly about projects, and gives them advice. “I wish when I was learning, I had this platform to learn and meet others. As visual learners, much like a lot of trades guys I know, it’s changed the way we can learn,” says McGillivary.

Making Time

Summers in Maine are short, so McGillivary tries to spend every nice weekend camping in his camper. In the winter months you can find him on his snowmobile at camp. “I would love to ride my snowmobile from camp in northern Maine to the Gaspe Peninsula to complete the “Great Gaspe Snowmobile Tour,” a six-day, 1,500-mile ride around some of the best trails,” says McGillivary.

Keith McGillivary, MPS Plumbing Services, plumbing, heating, piping, HVAC, trades, Hub Spotlight, skilled trades

And the last day McGillivary said it was a great day? “You know it’s funny, as I look back on just yesterday—camping with my family, beautiful weather, everyone smiling, does it get much better than that? So, the answer to that question would be yesterday!”

Go-To Tools on the Job

According to McGillivary, his go-tools are a couple pairs of Knipex Cobra pump pliers, a 6-in-1 screwdriver, and an adjustable wrench. Any good service plumber can fix most things with those!

Also, I find myself feeling naked if I don’t have my Leatherman Wave on me. Another great tool that has many uses.

Lastly, if there was one tool that changed the service plumbing game, it’s the M12 Milwaukee press tool. If you’re running a service company and don’t have one, you’re late to the party.


Eric Aune with Mechanical Hub joins American Plumber Stories for a “Signing Day” special at the Build My Future event, hosted by the Iowa Skilled Trades. Take a look at the exhibitors and the hands-on experiences offered for students considering a career in the trades. Iowa Governor, Kim Reynolds, also presents at the celebration and Read more

Eric Aune with Mechanical Hub joins American Plumber Stories for a “Signing Day” special at the Build My Future event, hosted by the Iowa Skilled Trades. Take a look at the exhibitors and the hands-on experiences offered for students considering a career in the trades. Iowa Governor, Kim Reynolds, also presents at the celebration and signs each student’s letter of intent as they commit to their future in the trades after high school.

Name: Matthew Fleming Title: Owner Company: All-Star Plumbing & Heating Location: Manasquan, New Jersey Specialty: New Construction Large Custom Homes Although a self-described “rough around the edges” kind of guy, Matthew Fleming (@allstarplumbinginc), owner of All-Star Plumbing & Heating, Manasquan, N.J., admits he’s a girl dad, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. “I Read more

Matthew Fleming, All-Star Plumbing and Heating, plumbing, heating, HVAC, plumbing life, trades, family plumbing businessName: Matthew Fleming
Title: Owner
Company: All-Star Plumbing & Heating
Location: Manasquan, New Jersey
Specialty: New Construction Large Custom Homes

Although a self-described “rough around the edges” kind of guy, Matthew Fleming (@allstarplumbinginc), owner of All-Star Plumbing & Heating, Manasquan, N.J., admits he’s a girl dad, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. “I have no problems laying on the floor and playing dolls with my daughters,” says Fleming. He says that at some point you have to be able to shut OFF work and turn ON home.

Matthew Fleming, All-Star Plumbing and Heating, plumbing, heating, HVAC, plumbing life, trades, family plumbing business

And while spare time doesn’t happen as often as Fleming would like, when it does, he loves hanging at the beach with his wife and kids. He also tries to make time to work out at the gym every morning to clear his head and start the day right. “Work will always be there tomorrow so you need to make sure that you’re not missing those important life/leisure moments that you can’t get back.”

It’s a Generational Thing

With Fleming’s father owning a family plumbing business, it was a simple decision to get into the plumbing industry. Fleming went to college for business administration and construction management to at least give himself a solid base of business knowledge if he was to ever take over the company. A solid decision as it turns out. “I started plumbing when I was about 16 years old but would always help out my dad as a kid. I worked part time through school and college. Once I graduated college, I jumped in full time and I’ve never looked back,” says Fleming.

Matthew Fleming, All-Star Plumbing and Heating, plumbing, heating, HVAC, plumbing life, trades, family plumbing business

The Ultimate Influence

Fleming has recently officially taken over the company that his father started 30+ years ago. And it was his father that molded Fleming into the craftsman that he is today. “He instilled in me the values of hard work and determination,” says Fleming. “He was always pushing the envelope and would take on jobs that other plumbers and companies would shy away from. My father always embraced challenges, and after years of doing that, it became clear the you can attack difficult situations with the confidence and mindset that you have what it takes to handle it.”

Matthew Fleming, All-Star Plumbing and Heating, plumbing, heating, HVAC, plumbing life, trades, family plumbing businessLike most modest tradespeople, Fleming doesn’t consider himself a “role model” but he does feel like he has some valuable bits of advice he could pass on to the younger generation looking to get into this trade or take into whatever field they choose. “A lot of plumbing is having the ability to problem solve, and that applies to any field. I encourage people to never be content with their current knowledge and skill set, you can always find ways to improve,” says Fleming.

These days a lot of teaching and connecting with others happens through social influencing. “Social media has absolutely made a big impact on my business for multiple reasons. I’ve learned so much from so many of the incredible plumbers across the country and have made some good friends, too. I’ve gotten jobs from the work people have seen on my Instagram, but above that, seeing the amazing work that others put out makes me improve my own work. I always remind the guys that I might take a picture of their work and post it to Instagram for public ridicule by the “super plumbers,” so make sure it’s right, haha,” says Fleming. “Social media can be very valuable if you use it right, and the plumbing community is second to none on there.”

Matthew Fleming, All-Star Plumbing and Heating, plumbing, heating, HVAC, plumbing life, trades, family plumbing business

State of the Industry

“I feel like most people believe that being in the trades means that you’re a second-rate citizen and couldn’t get a “real” job,” says Flaming. When in reality, continues Fleming, it’s a respectable occupation that requires highly educated, hard-working people. And with that comes training. “There should be more educational and training options available so that people entering the trades can be trained properly, which will help raise industry standards. Increasing trade school funding to ensure that the programs available are legit programs would absolutely attract more people. They need to be proactive in recruiting instead of just waiting for kids to show up,” says Fleming.

A Hard Day’s Work

One of the most rewarding things about his work is the problem-solving aspect. “I really enjoy when the customer tells me that they had four other companies there prior and nobody could figure out the problem but we did,” says Fleming. I’d say that’s a win.

But nothing compares to when you are down and come home to see those smiling faces.  “I was having a pretty rough week, put through the ringer. I came home that day feeling pretty defeated only to be greeted by my two daughters—ages 6 and 8—barreling towards me to give me a huge hug as my wife kissed me on the cheek. Instantly, I was reminded of what is really important, and even though I was having a rough patch, I was still doing a good job. It was just what I needed and I thought to myself, ‘I’m extremely lucky to have this life that plumbing has provided me.’”